For max reps:
8 tabata rounds of box jumps immediately followed by 8 tabata rounds of toes to bar.
Post load and reps to comments. Compare to 2/14/13.
BURPEES-TO-BABY: 66 burpees!
Make daily choices that support your long-term health, life and vitality
An 8-week, no holds barred, personal game/challenge to see what sort of impact you can have on your health, fitness, and daily lifestyle habits.
worked up to 335#s. Tried at 355#s and did one and stuck on 2.
Box jumps all sets 10 except my 2nd and 3rd set-they were 9s
TTB 12-7-then 5s with a spastic monkey looking attempt at 6 on my last one
then rowed 6000m with Drew.
Shane was a man on fire today a little correction on the rowing it was a 2000 m for time and a few 100 recovery
But a great piece of work
I was so bummed out about Eddie's doc saying no women and no men over 35 need to Crossfit....And I was going to try to field a competive team for the open :)
that is right Drew. I was gonna do the 5000 and then we changed to 2000. Then I did an additional 1000m on just row. Although after the squats and box jumps this morning it felt like I rowed the entire Cahaba river!
Back is tweaked... see u tomorrow hopefully
I am just joking about the doc. to a point he is right (except that women cant do Crossfit.) there is much more that needs to go together than the WOD to be at my best. Ex, water, food type , food amount , mobility , ECT.....
I am so glad Judy is blogging
Take Judy for an example I stopped her on the squat because of dysfunctional movement but let her go on the dead lift ( I am a sucker for a PR) and she is hurt :(
But maybe she will say it is from snatching her kayak out of the mud without the proper warm up
Competive Crossfit is NOT for everyone.
Just like trying to put my thoughts in a written format. There are people that are better (ex Cori , Bill, ect.... )But I still practice. (slower , weaker )but I am still doing it fragmented sentience and all. It like WODing in the scaled division :)
Amber let's me know if I have gone to far ,or if I don't make since. That is what a good coach is for
The doctor is WRONG. My grandfathers, and each generation before them, did the equivalent of Crossfit EVERY DAY till they died only they didn't call it "Crossfit"; they called it "LIFE" (or, specifically, farming in South Alabama). It's all in how you approach it. If you are patient enough, listen to your coaches as they teach, learn/know your limits and incorporate sensible diet, rest, mobility/flexibility into your training while learning proper technique at weights/times you can handle, then there is no reason in the universe you could not do Crossfit until the grave. And, if you do, the grave probably won't come as soon as it would have otherwise. Even if it does, you'll have a lot better quality of life until then!! :)
I didn't tweak my back on the deadlift I tweaked it lifting a 35lb guitar amp and twisting around as I did it. Doh!
I have been told by docs not to squat, run or get too hot. Oh well...
tomorrow's wod is:
Ten rounds for load and time of:
1 Clean and Jerk
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Post load and time to comments.
Some hard work AM and PM . HBBS in AM and LBBS in PM
Long rows wearing me down but close to the finish. jumping better in the AM
T2B better in PM (all in all a great day of training)
Judy, I am glad to hear that it was jaming out on the guitar or throwing the amp in the crowd :) u need to warm up be for your gig!
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