Monday, August 19, 2013


Clean and Jerk 15-12-9 reps

Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use the same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

30 minute time cap. Post load to comments. Top 5 men's and women's scores will go on the leaderboard.

BURPEES-TO-BABY: 50 burpees!


The Whole Life Challenge isn’t about trying to compete, win, or get it perfect. It’s a practice in making small, personal, incremental changes in your daily life that stick... for days, weeks, months and years to come. USE THE CODE: WLCRYGaNthJH to join the Carport CrossFit WHOLE LIFE CHALLENGE and SAVE $5!


Unknown said...

Really uncertain on this WOD for the weight. Did 70% of 215#s. 145# for the WOD. Good to see the Myers back in the box!

Cori said...
Link is for a recipe for spaghetti squash Bolognese....nom nom nom!

bill said...

Great to be back with our CJ buddies.
A puny 75# for the wod this am. I was calculating for 65-70% but got lost in the mathleticism.

Cori said...

Tomorrow's wod is:
EMOM for 5 minutes perform:
3 Muscle Snatch
2 Snatch-grip Push Press
1 Snatch Balance
3 x 2min AMRAP with 1 min Rest between AMRAPs
10 Hang Squat Snatch, 95/65
20 Lateral hops over bar
As many Wallball shots as possible in time remaining

Post loads and reps to comments.

Judy Ranelli said...

65 lbs.

Brooke said...

that was really, really, REALLY hard to me! I ALMOST lost the bar on the last two reps on my 9's ! SO glad I was able to hang onto it! Thanks so much for your encouragement Coach!! It really helped!