Thursday, June 27, 2013

O72 - CrossFit Games Open 13.5

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:

100 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes.
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes.
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes.

For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here. Compare to 4/4/13.

HOLIDAY HOURS: Closed on Thursday, July 4th only. We will be open our normal hours the rest of the week.

BURPEE-TO-BABY CHALLENGE begins next Monday, July 1st!!

For the latest news on the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games, visit the CrossFit Games site.
CrossFit Games Open 13.5 workout instructions - [video]
Julie Foucher completes 148 reps on Workout 13.5 - [video


Carport Crossfit said...

Thrusters, CTB Pull-ups to infinity and beyond - CrossFit Games Open 13.5

MEN - 100# Thruster, C2B pullups
WOMEN - 65# Thruster, C2B pullups
MASTERS MEN (55+) - 65# Thruster, Pullups
MASTERS WOMEN (55+) - 45# Thruster, jumping C2B pullups

Unknown said...

Finished my game last night at 10. Decided to sleep in. The A's won and I caught all 9 again

3-4 with a stolen base

Amber said...

35 reps
Wow, those c2b pull-ups are a lot harder now than they were in April! I thought I might have to switch to regular pull-ups after I missed touching my chest on only the 4th rep. I really wanted to have Rx by my name so I changed my grip and was able to finish the C2B pull-ups and get back to the bar for a few thrusters. I kept working after the 4:00 was up and finished my 2nd round. This was a good skill/strength training wod for me today.

Congrats on the win last night, Shane!

Eddie Allen said...

Awesome job Shane and you too Coach!! See everyone in the morning.

bill said...

4 rounds in 8+\- minutes* (again the secret *)

Good baseballing Shane. You deserved a day off. Bet nobody else on that field did a Murph yesterday!

sheena said...

according to the scheduling software i was a no show this morning, but i'm pretty sure i was there...unless i had the most vivid dream in history...

if my participation in today's wod was real, my score was 24 reps (RX). then i did some push presses, stretches, and some DUs.

bill said...

You weren't there Sheena.

The Raulstons said...

Shane - you are pretty much killing it. A 35 minute Murph and ANYTHING afterward is pretty impressive!

Bill - does your * have anything to do with a 5 hour energy because 4 rounds is BEAST! ;)

Way to go Amber - you are amazing!

Amber said...

Thanks Cynthia!!

Sheena, you weren't dreaming. You really set those PR's this morning. ;) good job!

bill said...

Nope Cynthia, the * has nothing to do with 5 hour energy I can assure you. More like -5 hour energy. In fact at 4 minutes I only had about 81 and that was with the greatest of handicapping. Partial squat on the thrusters and jumping CTB. It took me another 8 minutes plus to get the rest - (I'll call that my cash out).

Now virtual Sheena on the other hand was on fire with that WOD...and she was the only one of us 3 groupies doing RX.

Brooke said...

AWESOME job to Cynthia and Brian for setting PRs 2night!! Just to eek out one more rep on that wod is a feat in itself!
No pr for me, just a nice jack in the jaw w/ the bar. No bueno. Better next time!

OATIE said...

did you hit the bar back BTB?? :-)

Cori said...

tomorrow's wod is
OPEN WOD 1 (2011)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches

The Power snatch loads are as follows:

Men and Masters Men 45-49, 50-54: 75lbs/35kg

Women and Masters Women 45-54: 55lbs/25kg

Masters Men 55-59, 60+: 65lbs/30kg

Masters Women 55-59, 60+: 45lbs/20kg

Unknown said...

Some million meter baby in AM 17%
And talked everyone in the 5:30 class into doing the jumping WOD.
that got hard to stay fast but fun to feel like a super fitter for a few min :)