Monday, May 20, 2013


30 minutes to complete:
5K Run
As many ground-to-overhead as possible. Each rep will take seconds off your 5K time.
135/95 = -10 sec
95/65 = -5 sec

Post time to comments.

MEMORIAL DAY "MURPH"- Next Monday, 8-10am. 
CrossFit BINGO - Begins June 3rd!!
Each year, we roll into summer with a month-long Bingo game. On June 3rd, we will roll the Bingo wheel to determine the WOD and the Bingo game will begin. Here's how it works :)
  • THE HOPPER: Each ball in the hopper corresponds to a workout.  When a ball is rolled out, it tells us the workout for the next day.
  • ROLLING: Whoever wins the workout gets the honor of rolling the Bingo wheel to choose the next day's WOD.
  • RE-ROLLING: Winner has the option of re-rolling. If they do not like the 1st workout that comes out of the hopper, they can roll again. Whatever is rolled that time is the WOD. No take backs. (So here is an example.... Puma wins the WOD. He rolls I21-Murph, doesn't want that b/c we just did it, re-rolls and gets B7-Fran. The next day's WOD is Fran.)
  • HOW TO WIN: Earn letters by doing the workouts. Do the daily WOD to earn the letter that corresponds to it. When you have all the letters, B-I-N-G-O, you win a Carport CrossFit t-shirt!!


Unknown said...

Still not 100% today but managed a 23 minute run with negative splits and did 60 ground to over heads with 95#s to make the overall time 18 minutes

stacey said...

I shoulda got out there with ya'll today....

Did a killer long run saturday and I'm still recouping!

Unknown said...

My run was 25:20. I only did 55# on the weight and now I wish I did 65# since I couldn't take time off with the 55#.

Unknown said...

you looked solid on your run Tonya! Great job!

Cori said...

What's wrong, Shane?

bill said...

Great runs this morning Sheena and Shane. Even with a gimp Shane you are still a full minute ahead of my mile time.

pack 20 minutes - 2 miles/18 min, 95lb overhead x 10 = 50 second bonus =18 minutes-50 seconds = 17min 10 sec.
I'm not sure I would have made 5K in 30 minutes at my rate.

Unknown said...

pulled quad muscle Cori. Felt like a dagger hit it the other day doing some quick sprints on Thursday night.

Jennifer said...

Pack + 3 reps at 65#
Whew, it was hot at 5:30. Brutal
Way to go Jonathan, Paul, Chris and Drew! Awesome job on the 5k!

Amber said...

26:30 5K Row
14 C&J

Total time = 24:10

This was a really fun WOD. The weightlifting after the run made it more like a game an less like a 5K. Great job on those runs today everyone!!!