Thursday, May 9, 2013

12 min AMRAP of;
3 Muscle Ups
6 Hang Squat Cleans, 185/135
12 Box Jumps, 24/20

Post rounds and reps to comments.

"Chad Vaughn, 315 pound Clean and Jerk" - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]


bill said...

Love that pic!
This is an official Mimi/Papa recup day. I'll tell you though, Carport has become such a big part of our lifestyle that when I miss I feel like I'm playing hooky from school. I'm all about those gold stars and there's no chance of getting one if you're not there (actually, even if I'm present chances are slim).

Cori said...

that pic is AWESOME! lol! made my morning!

Oatie said...

satying hydrated is important! :-)

Oatie said...


Unknown said...

Well we missed you guys this morning Mr. Bill. This would have been a WOD you would have rocked!

Did RX but had to drop all the squat cleans.

3+21=3 shy of 4. Fortunatley no misses on MUs bu 2 on the squat cleans

Unknown said...

forgot to add my 1 mile run with Shhhheena....

Amber said...

5 rounds
115 felt HEAVY this morning! Whew!
C2B pullups, 115# HSC, 20" step ups

I did Ring Dips while the 6 am class warmed up. 4 minutes - 20 dips.