Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rest Day

2:00  -  13.3 Re-run


Kate said...

yea, my legs are SHOT from 13.3! Prob didn't help that we did max fromt 1 1/4 front squats Friday, lol :-)

The Raulstons said...

Wow- I cannot believe how sore I am. I knew it would be bad from Bill and Sandys description, but I thought since I didn't do the max FS, I would somehow be better off. Negative. Wm was imitating me going down the stairs- "ooh, Aah, ooh, Aah." Good luck to those running it again!

bill said...

It'll be ok Cynthia...yesterday it was unbearable, today just excruciating. Sandy and I make fun of each other going down the stairs.

Unknown said...

Man I tell you what! Wanna talk about motivation! Thanks Brian, Kerry, Cynthia, Mr. Bill and Ms. Sandy for cheering through this one. And Brian's wife as well. You guys are awesome!!! Proud of my 244, only got to 167 last time I did this WOD.....

And of course thanks Coach Drew for the constant encouragement beside me!!

Amber said...

MAN what a PR!!!! That's amazing Shane!

Unknown said...

thanks Coach! It helped working by amazing athletes in you and Coach Cori!