Drew warned us prior to the WOD this morning to stay at our bar as this was a short wod and walking away from the bar would eat up too much time. I did my wod facing the wall and at around 15 reps I was standing in front of my bar sucking air, took 2 steps back and immediately felt something like a hand in the middle of my back giving a little nudge back to the bar. I thought - 'it must be the hand of God urging me on'....turns out it was Drew. Thanks Coach - I needed that.
It was great to be back and a tahnks to Dave for pushing me with the extra 10#'s. 4:36 at 105#'s. Way to blow it up Shane!!! And Bill...how does it go.....God works in mysterious ways?
It was great to be back and a tahnks to Dave for pushing me with the extra 10#'s. 4:36 at 105#'s. Way to blow it up Shane!!! And Bill...how does it go.....God works in mysterious ways?
Hey Shane - if you were to sign up for the crossfit open with the numbers you are putting up these days you could get darn close to qualifying for the southeastern Open regionals. Great job today-
yall inspire me every. single. day! I walk down the hall to the coffee pot at 5:30 every morning with my eyes truly not even open. Yall, on the other hand, throw around weights like it ain't nothin! Wow. Great job morning crew!!
P.S- EVERYBODY SIGN UP FOR THE OPEN!!!!! Let's have 100% participation!
We have a TEAM!! Thanks Cynthia for heading this up! Everyone has the opportunity to join the team"Carport CrossFit" when they sign up for the Open. Get registered!!! 1st WOD is released tomorrow night!
Carport CrossFit's current Team Roster: Amber Hill Bill Myers Brian Keen Brooke Cochran Cori Johnson Cynthia Raulston David Pugh Drew Hill Jonathan Raulston Kerry Jacobi Sandy Myers Shane Calahan
Ha ha Stacey. And Bill, you've got a point, the bar literally couldn't have been any closer. Like Coach Drew said, at least I wasn't sticking my tongue out!
Team Roster Typo! - "Shane Cahalan" Sorry Shane! I just learned that your last name is not CALahan, it's Cahalan. So sorry for calling you by the wrong last name all this time.
Early flt out this am. Yall have fun. Got my runnin' shoes and travel wods all packed. See youze guys friday.
3.43 95lbs never ceases to amaze me how hard it is to keep count to 30 during a wod
Lots of energy in the early a.m. class! You got to love that kind of intensity at 5:00 am!!! Have a good day everyone.
Drew warned us prior to the WOD this morning to stay at our bar as this was a short wod and walking away from the bar would eat up too much time. I did my wod facing the wall and at around 15 reps I was standing in front of my bar sucking air, took 2 steps back and immediately felt something like a hand in the middle of my back giving a little nudge back to the bar. I thought - 'it must be the hand of God urging me on'....turns out it was Drew. Thanks Coach - I needed that.
Thanks Amber for instilling a benchmark for me!
Did a 2:58 this morning. Felt pretty good about that!
3:48 #65
Took a little break at rep 11 when I popped myself in the chin with the bar.
I think we need a new symbol for the board to represent "just hurt myself and finished anyway" I bet we would see it a lot, so it needs to be cute.
Oh, and Great job, Shane!
It was great to be back and a tahnks to Dave for pushing me with the extra 10#'s. 4:36 at 105#'s. Way to blow it up Shane!!! And Bill...how does it go.....God works in mysterious ways?
It was great to be back and a tahnks to Dave for pushing me with the extra 10#'s. 4:36 at 105#'s. Way to blow it up Shane!!! And Bill...how does it go.....God works in mysterious ways?
Hey Shane - if you were to sign up for the crossfit open with the numbers you are putting up these days you could get darn close to qualifying for the southeastern Open regionals. Great job today-
yall inspire me every. single. day! I walk down the hall to the coffee pot at 5:30 every morning with my eyes truly not even open. Yall, on the other hand, throw around weights like it ain't nothin! Wow. Great job morning crew!!
P.S- EVERYBODY SIGN UP FOR THE OPEN!!!!! Let's have 100% participation!
I'll be back in town today so I will see everyone on Thursday!
55# 3:35
when is the last possible second i can register for the open? i'm still on the fence.
Thanks Mr. Bill and Kista! I plan to register fot the open today now that I understand it better.
Kista, also great job of pushing through after the ole jaw smack with the bar!
Here, here Kista on the new symbol:) Nice work Shane and Bill!
I got your symbol- right here: !!!
Stacey- I like it!
2:45 pr by a 1:45! :) woohoo!
WOW! That is awesome Cori!!!
Way to go Cori!
Cori you are a BEAST! There is the wooohoo too!
Cori, as you and Amber say, HOLY MOLY! Yowzers, that is FANTASTIC! You never cease to amaze me. Never. Ever. :)
Registered for the open
Thanks y'all! Everyone set the bar really high this morning!
Also, i was imagining BTB on my heels! That was good motivation!
Great job, Cori!
It really is inspiring to be a part of such an awesome group of people. I'm so glad I know you all!
Tonya- we've missed you!
DANG Cori, way to smoke that one!!I'll be happy to sub 5, lol :-)
Great time Cori!! holy moly!
Kista...on the up side Drew can't possibly say you weren't keeping the bar close enough ;0<)
Kista just got confused about "chin ups" vs. clean and jerk. She made sure her chin cleared the bar... or was it that the bar, cleared her chin???
again, thanks y'all, but my time doesn't compare to drew's sub 2!!! that's amazing!!! way to go coach drew!
tomorrow's wod:
12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
95 pound Power snatch
Cynthia- Rx 3:14. Serious lung burn!!! Nice to be back in the gym tonight and working out with the ladies:)
55 lbs, 4:12
#45 - 3:11... I'm w/ Cynthia on the lung burning!
#45 - 3:27
Pulled a Kista and snacked my chin with the bar. Ouch!!!
You guys are rockstars! I am so impressed!!
4:57 Rx
Tabata TTB: (60 PR!) 12-10-7-6-6-7-6-6
We have a TEAM!! Thanks Cynthia for heading this up!
Everyone has the opportunity to join the team"Carport CrossFit" when they sign up for the Open. Get registered!!! 1st WOD is released tomorrow night!
Carport CrossFit's current Team Roster:
Amber Hill
Bill Myers
Brian Keen
Brooke Cochran
Cori Johnson
Cynthia Raulston
David Pugh
Drew Hill
Jonathan Raulston
Kerry Jacobi
Sandy Myers
Shane Calahan
Woo hoo!!! Go Team Carport and thanks for getting us all signed up Coach! Anxiously awaiting 13.1...
Top 5 "Grace" scores:
2:58 Shane
3:02 Will Pugh
3:08 DJ Brewster
3:14 Cynthia
3:36 Leigh
Coach's PRs:
1:49 Drew
2:45 Cori
3:10 Amber
Ha ha Stacey. And Bill, you've got a point, the bar literally couldn't have been any closer. Like Coach Drew said, at least I wasn't sticking my tongue out!
Hey Jennifer- I'm sorry that happened, but I'm glad it wasn't just me. ;)
Team Roster Typo! - "Shane Cahalan"
Sorry Shane! I just learned that your last name is not CALahan, it's Cahalan. So sorry for calling you by the wrong last name all this time.
Nice job Cynthia! Awesome!
I'm so impressed with how many people are registered for the open!
7:26 PR by two seconds
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