Monday, March 18, 2013

Bill's Prediction

2 x 7min AMRAP
50 Double Unders
40 Wallballs (20/14)
30 Toes to bar
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Push Press (115/75)
5 MU

Rest 3 min between AMRAPs.

Begin the second AMRAP the same as you did the first - with 50 DU. Score is total reps. Post score to comments.

"Secret Ingredient for Success" by Camille Sweeny and Josh Godfield, The New York Times.


"the hammer :) " said...

yes, the first comment
I am going to fill in for bill and shane will there spring breaking.

did more the first round than the 2nd ha

stacey said...

Uhm... I pulled a "Sheena" and forgot to set my alarm, or rather, thought it was set... The past 2 weeks has shifted my schedule so much I didn't even open my eyes til about 6 and it was too late... :(

Amber said...

Bill, I like your prediction. This was fun! My shoulder was tight from yesterday's MU practice so I scaled down the WB to 10# and subbed C2B pullups for MU.


DU: 50 UB - yay!
WB: 10/10/10/10
TTB: 10/10/10
BJ: jumped up, stepped down all 20
PP: 10 UB
C2B: 1

DU: 3/47
WB: 10/10/10/10
TTB: 10/5/5/5/5
BJ: jumped up, stepped down all 20
PP: 10 UB
C2B: 4

Jennifer said...

GoodWOD. That second 7 minutes was rough.
DU (which are slowly improving!!!)
10# WB
Toes to rings