Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rest Day


The Raulstons said...

5x5s at home of 150# HPC and C2B.
Nice work to all of those who re ran 13.2 today!!!

Brooke said...

Lol. We did 105, not 150. :)

Amber said...


273 on 13.2
Thank you all for coming to help judge and cheer us on!

I also did some MU practice. I was going to do the regular 10 min pratice but I was on a roll at minute 10 so I just kept practicing for the entire FGB clock.
Minutes 1&2 - misses
Minute 3 - 1
Minute 4 - miss
Minutes 5-12 - 1 each minute
Minutes 13-17 - misses

I made a total of 9MU. I tried for a nice even 10 but couldnt get it today, my shoulders were too tired. I am SO happy that I can still do MU's!

The Raulstons said...

You are so right Brooke- just a 45# typo:)
Great job Amber!! You continue to amaze me:)

bill said...

We're out here in Little Rock with Nate this weekend - completed a great crossfit boulder climb up Pinnacle Mt and at the top is a fellow wearing a 2013 Crossfit Games Open tshirt...go figure?

Oatie said...

Amber u r a rockstar!!

Cori said...

wod for tomorrow (i sure hope bill is planning on being there in the morning!):

"bill's prediction"

2x7 min amraps rest 3 min b/t each amrap. score is total reps completed. for the 2nd amrap, you have to start back at the top of the chipper with 50 du.

50 du
40 wallballs
30 toes to bar (toes to rings)
20 box jumps
10 push presse 115#m/75#f
5 muscle ups

Cori said...

150, 105....bah....who's counting! ;)

great job on the mu amber! woohoo!

and great job to all of the athletes that re-ran 13.2!