Friday, March 15, 2013

15 minute AMRAP of:
15 Chest-to-bar Pullups
30sec L-sit on Rings

Post rounds and reps to comments.

Scaled WOD
Big Dawgs: C2B, L-sit
Pack: Pullups, tuck-sit
Pups: Ring Row or Band Assited Pullup, Hold in support


bill said...

Quick look - Sandy is currently in 1st place in the Southeast Women's 55-59 master's group...wuhoooo!...subject to change as the day progresses.
I am way proud of our Carport Ladies - you all are doing fantastic across the board!

Congratulations to Eddie and Sandy for kicking the habit!...the pull-up band habit. That pull up band is gone baby gone!!....and they both have the torn up hands of a serious crossfitter to prove it!

bill said...

rx 4 rounds + 1 ctb

Jennifer said...

Cori is in 3d place in the Southeast! Way to go Cori. Awesome job last night!

Amber said...

Congratulations Cori and Sandy!!!

4 rds 3 C2B

Oatie said...

WAY TO GO CORI & SANDY!!!! This week has not been good for me! I have been fighting something, but I am going to come into open gym and take on 13.2 fo sho!!

Unknown said...

great job to everyone! I continue to be amazed by the leader boards in the gym and amount of effort from our group!

Eddie, talking about a jump from band to 60 pull ups! Awesome job! Ms. Sandy I am not sure how many you did, but it is awesome!

finished 10 seconds shy of 6 complete rds. Hands are torn up and now I am done for a week! See you guys once I get back from FL with the fam!!!

Puma said...

We doing a Sat or a Sun 13.2 "rerun" this week and what time?


Sandy said...

Congrats should go to Cori only!! I am only looking good because most of the women my age haven't sent in their numbers yet!! But it is fun to "think positive" for a day! :-)

Cori said...

Sandy, my name will drop dramatically also! :) it ain't over until the fat lady sings...or until the real she beasts put their scores in on sat and sun. Haha sandy and Eddie!!! I'm so proud of you both for tackling those pullups! Eddie, wasn't that one of your goals for the whole life challenge?

stacey said...

The crud is finally gone!!! Hope to see everyone back on Monday...

Eddie Allen said...

Don't think I am sappy but I will miss you all next week. Thanks for the encouragement (aka shaming me into giving the bands up) this morning on my pull-ups. My partner in crime Sandy was really kicking butt. 4 rounds plus 18 seconds on the tuck. Everyone have a great weekend.

The Raulstons said...

So excited for Sandy and Eddie! Way to go!!! You all are inspirational:)

Jennifer said...

Those tuck sits were no joke and were a complete time suck for me.
3 rounds + 7 seconds
Pull-ups with black & purple band. Some chest to bar. Some regular.

Judy Ranelli said...

Green band pullups, tuck sit, 4 +5 seconds