100 Front Squats (135/95)
100 Toes through rings
100 Deadlifts (135/95)
Each teammate will have their own barbell but only one teammate may work to complete reps at a time. Each athlete can do no more than 10 reps at a time. Coach picks teams.
While Teammate A is doing the dynamic movement, Teammate B must do the isometric movement.
Front squats / hold barbell in rack
TTR / plank hold
Deadlifts / hold barbell @ top of DL (high hang)
* 1 BURPEE PENALTY for setting the bar down during FS and DL. If either teammate needs to set the bar down during the 100 FS or 100 DL, both teammates must set down their bars and each do one burpee.
Have fun!! Post times to comments.
Team 'mimi&papa' 13.32
Sandy 45lbs Bill 75lbs (master's scale ;o))
Team Mimi and Papa were rolling this morning!
Eddie great job this morning helping us pull a strong time of 13:55!
Great fun this morning working with a teammate!
Also, worked on DUs for about 25 minutes and did 57 unbroken!!!! Super HYPED!!!
Team Mimi and Papa did rock this morning and Shane thanks for pulling us through man. I know I was just out for two days but this kicked my tail...my chicken wings are still shaking!! Everyone have a great weekend.
Functional Fitness Y'all!
Ladies, you'll appreciate this- I just put a dust ruffle on a full sized bed all by myself!
This morning's team WOD was super fun and Tonya is a great teammate! She saved us on the TTR.
Tonya #45 Kista #55
Kista I was just trying to not drop the bar on the DL because I knew you busting them out. Good WOD this morning.
Shane you are going whacko with those DUs bro! Absolutely phenominal!!
Eddie ....chicken wings - bwaahhaaaahaa. I know that feeling exactly because that is me right now!
Mr. Bill I am trying to get to BEAST mode like you sir! :)
Oh and Kista I know what you're talking about with the dust ruffle. I help Rusty move some furniture this week out of the house. He said, "you need a break?" Me, "Nope this isn't heavy." Crossfit is working.
If any of you guys are interested I will be meeting with some other men on Sunday afternoons at Crestwood Coffee Shop at 4pm for the next few weeks. We will be talking about being better men, fathers and husbands. You can call or text me - 837-9117.
Sherrie and i lifted a 3500psi pressure washer into the back of my truck. I felt totally capable thanks to crossfit!
I am so proud of all of y'all! :)
Cori and I tied Mimi&Papa! 13:32 @ 95#
It was so fun to finally workout together again. Great job Coach Cori!!
I really loved this WOD! Happy to work out with the hubs:) We were no match for Mimi and papa - 16:59 Rx. Great work everybody and happy weekend!
these domestic lifting maxes are makin' mama proud! :)
yes, it was so good to work out with my work out partner...finally! thanks for being such an awesome front squatter!
later after the wod i did 140# front squat 5x5. and long arm mu practice
2 every min for 5 min
1 every 30 sec for remaining 5 reps for total of 15 long arm mu! yay! no misses.
WOD for tomorrow is
Thanks to Libby for being a great workout partner! 2 burpees the entire workout. Our toes to rings need some work though.
Team WODs rule. Lauren was a great partner. She bailed me out on the toes to rings
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