150 Wallball shots for time. (Men-20#, Women-14#)
CrossFit Games Open WOD 12.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall balls (Men-20#, Women-14#)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
Post time to comments. Compare "Karen" times to 8/21/09, 8/1/12, and 110206. Compare WOD 12.4 times to 3/15/12.
WOD "Karen" video demo with CrossFit Adrenaline - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Extended workout footage - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
CrossFit X-treme Athletics scales today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
WOD 12.4 video demo with Graham Holmberg - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Roads here are a sheet of ice and its all diwnhill between here and crestwood blvd. gonna have to let ms Karen down.
Same here Stacey. Two giant icy hills to get down either way I go and I'm off work today. I will do a makeshift workout at home. Also anyone know what time the courthouse opens today. I need new tags!
Congrats to Shane for his first Muscle-ups!! Woohoo!! That was amazing!!
I used 10# ball, but didn't get it to the red line very consistently at all. 10:38 (or thereabouts) + 2 DU's (those dbl-unders were nowhere to be found for me this morning).
And Eddie was a speed demon on the wall balls this morning! You guys left me completely in the dust!!
wall balls are a goat for me.
10# to 10' (or close to it)
Way to go Shane!! I didn't see red under the ball every time but hit 9:58 with 20# ball. Thanks for the encouragement Sandy but no one leaves you in the dust girl. Everyone have a great weekend.
Karen lite - left arm only using 5 lb slam ball - 6.59.58. Shane busted into the muscle up club this morning! Good job buddy - looked like a piece of cake for you!
Great job morning crew! Eddie you had a terrific PR there! Knocked that one clear over the fence!
Drew what did you say RICE stood for: Rest, Ice, Compression, Exhaustion?
Shane - that is awesome!!!
Great job morning people!
Anna, we missed you!!
Well this workout was named correctly, my wife is Karen and the work out beat me down too just like she does... :) Very excited about the MUs!!! The best feeling was my group getting excited too!
Thanks for the constant encourgement!
Makes this place awesome and Eddie, turn them burners off next time.
Great job everyone!
10# around 9:35...only did 100. I was very "tired" this morning!
Congrats to Shane and Leigh on the muscle ups!!
Great job everybody!!!
Leigh this is indeed an awesome day! Congrats on your muscle ups this morning! Two new members inducted into the muscle up club on the same day.... this is inconceiveable!
great job Leigh!!! Way to kill that work out at the end too...You and Casey were busting it!
Saw this and thought I'd share:
"When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical. Is it raining? That doesn't matter. Am I tired? That doesn't matter, either. Then willpower will be no problem."
- Emil Zatopek
245 reps on open wod. Same as last year, my second go round. Could maybe eek out a couple more mu if running with a group. No repped myself a few times on the wb if not to red line or above.
Also great job to shane for getting your first muscle up!
Oh abd congrats leigh! Wow! Two new mu club members in one day! :)
Congrats Leigh! Muscle-ups your first week of Crossfit!! Incredible!!
Happy Birthday Kerry Jacobi!!!
Is there a designated Birthday WOD?
Hmmm - I am not sure but Karen seems plenty to "grow on".
Happy birthday, Kerry!! Hope you are having a great day!
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