Friday, January 4, 2013

5 Rounds for Total Working Time.
Rounds will begin at 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00, and 20:00. Note the time it takes for you to finish each round. Your score is the total working time for all rounds. Lowest score wins.
10 burpees
20 ball slams (30/20)
30 DU
Post total working time to comments.

Need a JUMP ROPE? We've got 'em! - FAST ones and FASTER ones!


Unknown said...

1146. This wod and I did not get along. Stacy got to hear some nice wheezes from me :)

The Raulstons said...

I am just happy this doesn't directly involve squatting. Yowzers! Walking downstairs with a 30lb boy on my hip this morning was a little tricky!

stacey said...

906 seconds...If my DU's didn't suck so much I could do much much better! I think I need to buy one of those new jump ropes. Size small. :D

The wheezing wasn't so bad, besides, I grunt every time I hit the floor on a burpee so I was probably drowning out most of the wheezes...
Cynthia-I think there are some serious, "indirect" squats, with respect to the ball slams... ;)
Good Luck!

stacey said...

Kista, Sandy... Yous guys was missed!

bill said...

RX 1067
Thank you Amber and Cori for doing my ciphers.

I thought after all the flipping and flopping involved with this WOD my sore squatters would be cured.........wrong again. Anna, Sheena and Eddie wake uuuuuuppp. Where were you?

stacey said...

and Casey... Sorry I have WOD brain. I feel like superwoman right after we finish but by the time I get to work I feel the air get let out ...

Anna said...

Bill - Harding decided to celebrate NYE last night by cutting two teeth and as I've said before when we are operating on HST I just have to sleep when I can.

Unknown said...

If only I was able to do the double unders consistently......All I have to say. Probably did more jump ropes and attempts that all classes involved today! Dang DU!!!!

Eddie Allen said...

Sure missed you all this morning but was busy making ice cream!!! Have a great weekend.

stacey said...

Ice Cream? So that's what they are calling it these days. Who knew?

sheena said...

i slept in.
on purpose. :)

Kista said...

Stacey- I assure you I would have rather been crossfitting than going to the doc for another block, but I already feel better. I actually had time to come but since I couldn't drink anything, I didn't want to fall out on you guys. Hope to see you Monday!

Puma said...

check out video at this link (beginning at about 0:44. You'll recognize two familiar faces.

Jennifer said...

Whew. Sore from this week. Recalculated my time and I think it was 927. First round with 20# ball then switched to 12#. Double underneed work!