Friday, January 11, 2013

"4 and a Quarter"

For time:
50 Burpees
50 Pull-Ups (chest-to-bar count double)
50 Burpees
50 Push-Ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit-Ups
50 Burpees
50 Squats
25 Burpees

Post time to comments. Compare to 4/19/09.
2009 ~ Drew - 24:51, Amber - 27:33


Unknown said...

good workout this morning-completely suprised by my time-RX 23:58.....Good job AM crew!! Everyone rocked it out! Anna P
first finisher

bill said...

That was a hum dinger and I only did Porch (35 reps) and subbed DUs for pull ups. Forgot my time but somewhere just after Shane who busted this at RX-way to rock and roll Shane! Thanks for keeping Mr Pukie at bay. This was one of the first times I heard him knocking at the door myself once I had finished.

Kista said...

25:09 scaled to 25 with banded pull ups. This was a tough one!

Anna said...

Woof! I did 25 of everything and finishing in 20:03. Shane, I might have finished first but I did half the work!

Great job AM folks! Good luck afternoon crew, this one is no joke and will be bring Mr. Pukie or Mr. Light-headed on real quick!

Unknown said...

I agree, not only Mr. Pukie there, the STARS were in the air inside the Carport facilty after the 225 Burpees

Eddie Allen said...

Shane kicked my butt right off the porch!! Great job everyone. Amber would STILL be there rooting me on had I attempted rx. Porch + blue band @26:13. Everyone have a great weekend.

The Raulstons said...

This looks positively awful. Good job morning crew! Shane - that is a BEAST time!
Anyone interested in heading out to Bessemer to watch the Throwdown after Open Gym Saturday?

stacey said...

Mr. rainy morning headache got a hold of me this am. Probably just as well as I'm running the Red Nose tomorrow. I'll take the "rest" and run. This looks like a good one to "save" for a different rainy day.

bill said...

Actually Stacey this is a good one to let pass on by and pretend you never even saw it;o}

Oatie said...

Cynthia, if it's raining I am thinking of going to that instead of the Red Nose Run to cheer folks on...

Cori said...

26:59 c2b
Great job Shane...beast mode for sure!
wrote down my splits but won't bore you. All burpees took about 4 minutes except for first round was 3:20. Pullups in 5's. Pushups took a ridiculous 4 minutes. Situps and squats unbroken.last 25 burpees took about 1:30 but i about died making that happen.
Bring a towel tonight because it is a sweat fest!

Brooke said...

Man, all of a SUDDEN this morning, I am feeling a little feverish, nauseated, my head hurts.... Just kidding thank the Good Lord! But, I feel fairly certain I will feel this way after this monstrous wod! :)

Sandy said...

Shane, you were amazing this morning! Showed us all how this WOD was supposed to be done.
I did 35's of everything with red band for pull-ups and finished in 27:19. Mr. Pukie was definitely lurking around all of our stations! Have a great weekend everyone!!

stacey said...

Red nose will be over by 9am... ;) 2 hour time limit on course.. starts at 7am.

Unknown said...

Thanks all, it did help every time I tried to duck my head to feel sorry for myself a little lady by the name of Coach Amber said "PICK IT UP SHANE!!" loved the push this morning coach, definitely made up time on air squats and sit ups. Glad those were at the end instead of pull ups..... :)

Oatie said...

Stacey, I know it starts @ 7, however if it's raining my sick self needs not be in that weather! Plus the throwdown starts @ 9 so... :-)

stacey said...

Good point Oatie! your sick self should stay home,hydrate and get back to workin' out!

Will said...

That's some good looking extension in the picture. Great job everyone!

Puma said...

Good Lord in Heaven! If I start this at 6:00 p.m. tonight, I'll still be WOD'ing at Open Gym tomorrow morning!

sheena said...

i just finished this at home.
35's (with ring row type pull ups)in 29:00. meh.

Brooke said...

Yaaaaayyyyyyy burpees!

The Raulstons said...

Okay BTB aka yaaaayyy burpees- if you are saying yay, it mustn't have been so gonna run that again tmrw? :)

Amber said...

26:41 - PR
Oh my abs are ssoooo sore from Annie! I chipped away at this WOD. So glad I got a PR b/c I really wasn't feeling like PR material today. Thanks, Paul, for getting this WOD goin at Open Gym!

DREW said...

21:23 push-up and sit-up min slower than expected