Friday, August 17, 2012

Fifteen rounds of:
Power snatch followed immediately by five overhead squats.

Start light and add weight.

Sarah Hopping 175lbs. Post loads to comments.

WOD Demo with Sarah Hopping - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]


bill said...

45/65/70/75(the instructions were to add weight slowly weren't they?)80/85 all remaining were 85.

Everyone can claim RX today -

Between Anna P and Sheena trying to knock each other out with their weights and Cori trying to knock herself out with her own it was a very exciting morning.

Missing Stacey, Brandi, Vern, Sam and Eddie this AM.

BTW Stacey...I like the one about 'aging up' - also your dust will taste the same the next mile run as it did the first time - you have no worries there;-)

stacey said...

Thanks Bill!
Sorry to miss this am folks.. had the usual "rainy day headache" junk... Sometimes I think my body just tells me when to take a break. When body talks, I listen. I'll do some extra push ups and squats at work!

sheena said...


i still can't say i like OHS, but i did like this WOD because it showed me that i'm at least getting better at them!

Cori said...

yay sheena!

Cori said...

65/75/85/95/105/115m/115/120m/120 snatch only/120m/120m/120m/115m/115 snatch only/115

pretty pleased that i was able to power snatch 120. it was a very low power snatch, but i did it! :)

The Raulstons said...

25/45/55/60/65/70/70/75(4 OHS)/75/80/80(4 OHS)/85(mOHS)/85/85/90(3 OHS)
this was a pretty big deal for me since my previous OHS max was 65# and my power snatch was 75#. Granted, it was a split snatch at 90#, but I got it over my head:) The squats were mostly to the ball until the very end and I got 1 to the ball at 90. Very happy with my squat today. Thanks for the encouragement Jennifer!

bill said...

Excellent job Cynthia! I knew you'd most likely get to 90 - well done!