
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Clean one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.

Tommy Hackenbruck 335/275lbs, Ben Crook 305/275lbs, Miranda Oldroyd 185/165lbs, Taz Venter 165/145lbs. Post the highest and lowest loads to comments.

Miranda, Tommy and Ben doing today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

Compare to 4/26/10.


  1. Hey everybody! Lululemon is coming to Carport tomorrow morning for the 5:30 a.m. class to wod with us! Come on down to meet them! Let's show them how awesome Carport is!!!!!!

  2. 140#/125#

    last 5 min:
    135 c&j missed the jerk
    135 c&j missed the jerk
    135 c&j
    135 missed the clean
    125 c&j

  3. 175#/135#

    Then ran yesterdays wod-

    73 cal
    57 box jumps
    43 pushups

  4. 125/155

    125, 130, 135, 140, 145m, 145, 150, 155m, 155, 160m, 160m, 160m, 145m, 145, 145m, 145

    I am so happy to clean 155! That is the most I have done in over a year. And I actually did SQUAT cleans as opposed to doing knee bend cleans. ;)

  5. today i did power cleans aka "knee bend cleans"

  6. Thanks! Haha. Knee bends are what I normally do too. I surprised myself by getting under the bar. I hVe got to work on pulling the bar higher - or how 'bout just getting more coordinated in general wham it comes to these oly lifts. ;)

  7. 95,105,115,125,135,145,155,160,165,170m,155,135,135,135,135C&J. So, 95/165.

    Then repeated yesterday's WOD
    61 cal
    49 box jumps
    47 pushups
