100yd sprint, 10 rounds
We will sprint as class every three minutes. Sprints will start at minutes 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 27. After you sprint, walk back to the starting line and rest until the next round begins.
Post time for each sprint to comments.
(heehee....i love doing that to dave!)
Are you ready for some football?
Wellllllll, that didn't quite go as planned...
Last Saturday I did this wod and stayed on 15. Today I hoped to be faster but I was slower. My legs were SO SORE. Round 2 today felt like round 7 Saturday. I thought my quads were gonna cramp up every sprint.
15 15 17 16 17 19 15 18 19 18
We are sprinting up 18th Street from the stop sign to the street light.
LOVED that workout!!! Roll Tide!
15 14 15 14 15 15 14 16 14 14
Roll Tide!
There were some fast feet out there tonight. Congrats Dave for having the FASTEST 100yd sprint of the day!
Roll Tide Roll!
17/19/19/19/29 (it was jog or puke, I chose jog)/ 19/20/20/19/19
Bahahahaa!!! Nice choice!
I could hardly walk this a.m. Hamstrings and knee not used to that. Still, great WOD. I'd love to know D. Johnson's times!?
Blogging from the tmobile store....
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