20 minute AMRAP of:
10 Grasshoppers (right + left = 1)
10 V-ups
3 Wall Climbs
1 Rope Climb
For the grasshoppers, the shin contacts the opposite forearm. For the wall climbs, toes and chest touch the ground to toes and chest touch the wall.
Post rounds completed to comments.
Grasshoppers and Wall Climbs are demonstrated in this video from CrossFit Maxim - video [wmv] [mov]
-Lie on ground and start in hollow body position
-With legs straight and together, bring them up and towards your torso
-While raising your legs, reach for the toes with your hands
-Finish in a pike position with your hands and feet meeting at hip level, then return to hollow body position
7 rounds + 2 wall climbs
I underestimated grasshoppers and v-ups. Whew! I was surprised by how grasshoppers worked abs. I expected them to be more metcon-ish like mountain climbers. So those coupled with v-ups was a good combo.
Wall walks went well - no crash landings today. haha
I consistently made it to the top of the rope in 4 pulls, so my footwork is getting better. :)
Looks like so much fun! Too bad I am in a wedding and can't make it-rehearsal dinner is tonight at Cheaha! At least I can trail run!
I have to work late tonight. grr. I am trying to see if I can take a break to go to the 5:30 pm class.
I wanted to get my totals last night but ended up working until 9. Would like to make those up sometime.
Drew have you checked out the new hero wod Bradshaw
pretty brutal!!! Z
8 rounds
tried to keep moving so i could get to amber's score. it's better to chase the rabbit than to be the rabbit. :)
7+11 rx grasshoppers and v-ups. Whew!
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