Monday, May 3, 2010


Overhead squat

135x20 for time =5min rest
185x3=3min rest
185x3=3min rest
185x3=3min rest
185x3=3min rest
185x3=3min rest
135x20 for time =5min rest

Connor Martin (weighing 160 lbs, age 18, yet a veteran CrossFitter for six years and an original CrossFit Kid) nails 250 on an overhead squat at CrossFit Brand X: [wmv] [mov]


Jason said...

Think it was 75# for the sets of 20 and 105 for the sets of 3. Had some misses, made some back up. Still learning the technique.

Unknown said...

I dont remember my weights. I do know that I worked real hard at hitting the bottom of my squat. I hate I had to roll out early. Good Job this morning guys!