3 rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 100 ft
50 Squats
25 Back extensions
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"Parallette Shoot-through" with Jeff Tucker - video [wmv] [mov]
From the Vault: Annie Sakamoto 9:38 on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]
"We are often plagued in society by an all-or-nothing attitude in most aspects of life. You are the best or you are not- there is no in-between. This attitude is not the product of genes; it is the product of a culture that is more focused on winning than it is on inner motivation." - Robin Fountain-Harris (NPC competitor , Division 1 collegiate athlete)
Amber 9:32
i heart this workout! :) It's one of my favorites.
warmed up with a 1:59 500M row. THANK YOU Adam and Scott for sharing your rowers with us. You guys are a blessing!
I sure hope no one runs from me today because my legs are shot!! Great workout to end the week though. 12:01.
Another 500m row warmup, this time 1:37. I am shooting for a sub 1:30soon. Thanks again Adam and Scott for the concept rowers. Those things make some SICK workouts!
Amber 9:33 this afternoon
500M row intervals on 1min splits
Amber 2:02 2:03
Drew 1:37 1:41 1:44 1:45
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