15 minutes to complete 5 sets of max reps Bar Dips. For each set, complete as many reps as possible. You may rest at the top of the movement but your set ends when your feet touch the floor or you prop in any way. Total dips completed will be used in your final score.
(set1 + set2 + set3 + set4 + set5 = total dips)
15 min AMRAP of
20 Box Jumps, 24/20
10 1-arm DB Snatches, 50/35
40 Double Unders
10 1-arm DB Snatches, 50/35
Do not alternate arms on DB snatches. Do all 10 reps with one arm, 40 DU, then 10 reps with the other arm. Score is (Dip reps)(WOD reps). Post total dips, reps, and score to comments. Compare to 7/7/17.
62 band dips x 330 reps, jumping onto 10 inch mat, singles 2x1 unbroken sets of 80, 25# DB snatches = 20,460. 330 = 4 sets plus 10 jumps.