Monday, July 4, 2016

CLOSED - HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!

Everyone have a safe and fun day today! Here is a simple bodyweight WOD you can do wherever you are. Take 16 minutes and give it all you've got!

July 4 = 7/4 = 7 rounds of 4 exercises

Perform for total reps:
7 rounds of Tabata jumping squats
30 seconds rest
7 rounds of Tabata plank jacks
30 second rest
7 rounds of Tabata burpees
30 seconds rest
7 rounds of Tabata mountain climbers

Do each Tabata move for 20 seconds (go all out) followed by 10 seconds rest. Complete 7 sets of each Tabata move. Rest 30 seconds between exercises. Post total reps to comments.

HOLIDAY HOURS: Carport CrossFit will be closed Monday and Tuesday in celebration of Independence Day. Everyone have a fun and safe weekend!!

1 comment:

Oatie said...

I ran in the Peavine Falls race instead... 8.2ish miles (up hill 4, then back down). Hope everyone had a safe AND HAPPY 4TH!!