Thursday, September 24, 2015

Max Squat

20 minutes to establish 1-rep max Squat
(Back Squat 1lb = 1 point, FS 1lb = 1.5 points, OHS 1lb = 2 points)


3 x 2 minute AMRAPs. 1 minute rest between AMRAPs.
30 DU
5 Snatches 135/95
5 OHS 135/95
Score is squat points + total reps. Post points, reps, and score to comments.


Unknown said...

75# front squat for PR!
followed by 5 back squats, just for fun..

Mod WOD:
30 lateral hops over bar
5 powercleans 35#
5 front squats

Score: 112.5 / 110 = 222.50 (more or less ;)

Sandy said...

Great job, Carman!!