Friday, December 19, 2014

FOOTBALL FRIDAY - Max Bench Press x 5

Max Bench Press x 5
20 min to establish 5-rep max bench press


5 rounds for average Watts
10 pulls on the rower for Max Avg Watts.

Score is (BP load) x (avg of 5 rows). Post score to comments.


bill said...

125 lbs BP (I had not yet donned Emery's Christmas sweater vest or it would have been 155)
15,500 girth points total. My watts were increasing nicely each round until I fell off the seat at pull #8 on last round.

Judy Ranelli said...

5 rep max 100, 3 rep 105, watts rowed/5 x max was 27,000. thank you Brian for staying and doing the WOD with me, I forgot it was at 6 and showed up at 6:30.

Judy Ranelli said...

oops, it was 29,700.