Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Box Jumps, SDHP

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of box jumps 30"/24"
1 minute of 115-lb. SDHP
2 minutes of box jumps 30"/24"
2 minutes of 115-lb. SDHP
3 minutes of box jumps 30"/24"
3 minutes of 115-lb. SDHP

Post reps for each set to comments.


Puma said...

Wow! 4:30 p.m. and still no comments on this WOD. Must be killing some folks.

Alex Dussaq said...

Wednesday has no morning class. So that may be why.

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

Five rounds, each for time, of:
135 pound Power clean, 5 reps
135 pound Front squat, 10 reps
135 pound Jerk, 5 reps
20 Pull-ups
Rest 90 seconds

Post time of each round to comments.

Oatie said...

I've been knocked out with a chest cold this week, not sure I will be able to make it in.