Monday, September 29, 2014

Sit-up, DL, HSPU

30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 10 min
3 points - TTB
2 points - GHD sit-ups
1 point - sit-ups


7 minute AMRAP
15 DL, 225/155

Score is total points plus total reps. Post score to comments.


bill said...

Part 1 (combo of TTB/sups/GHDS + part 2 185lbs & (HSPUs) = 228 reps

P - Coach suggested we not set the bar too high for you guys in the PM class so we throttled back so as not to cause you any great distress by trying to keep up. We're all about Team Carporteur.

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

For time:
Run or Row 1 mile
75 Wallballs, 20/14
50 Ground-to-shoulders, 135/95
15 MU (or 30 C2B pull-ups)
Run or Row 1 mile

Amber said...

Bill, thanks for taking it easy on us. I really think Coach was setting Clara Jane up for a big win.

254 situp points
79 reps, 105#/hspu w 2abmats

Puma said...


Appreciate it greatly.

293 Rx (243 on TTB; 50 on HSPU/DL's)

Judy Ranelli said...

130 situps, 135lbs dl, 65lbs pp, 2 rounds +10, score 200.