Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Down and Back Chipper"

For time

40 over the box jumps (24/20)
20 TTB
40 WB (20/14)
20 Ring Dips
40 WB (20/14)
20 TTB
40 over the box jumps (24/20)

Athletes may jump completely over their box or they may choose to jump on top then jump off on the opposite side. Either way you choose, you should start on one side of your box and finish on the other. Post time to comments.


Puma said...

Theme for the day: "Just get up and over it."

Amber said...


Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

"Push Pull"
For time
7 hspu
7 C2B pull-ups
8 hspu
8 C2B pull-ups
9 hspu
9 C2B pull-ups
10 hspu
10 C2B pull-ups

Scaled WOD
Wolf - MU, deficit hspu
Big Dawgs - RX
Pack - pull-ups, mod hspu
Pups - ring rows, stink bugs

Judy Ranelli said...

Sub step ups 24", sub situps, wb 10 lbs, bar dips, time 18: something (32?) I forget