Monday, April 14, 2014

Snatch, OHS

EMOM for 10 minutes perform
1 Squat Snatch
3 rounds for max reps
1 min row for calories
30 sec rest
1 min WB Push Press with slammer*, 30/20
30 sec rest
1 min Ball Slams, 30/20
30 sec rest

*WB PP with slammer - shoot the slam ball to the WB target without squatting. Basically this is a wallball shot minus the squat. There was a discussion in one of the evening classes last week about this movement. The class thought this would be easier than regular, full squat wallball shots using 20/14. What do you think???
Post load, reps, and opinion of the WBPP to comments.


Oatie said...

Coach Amber, you're sneaky w/ those pictures!! I never even heard you take that Sat.!!

Puma said...

Under the weather with either a cold or allergy. Hope to see y'all tomorrow.

bill said...

Rx calories plus reps = 158
That was a gasser...especially the pp slammer wall balls

Good looking ohead work Oatie! Brian doesn't make us hold the bar ohead though to read the WOD each day....we can just walk up and read it.

Amber said...

Yes, Bill, if you come in on a Saturday and don't know what you want to do, you have to hold a barbell overhead until you decide.

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

Perform as many reps as possible of
1 min pull-ups
1 min ring dips
1 min pull-ups
1 min ring dips
1 min pull-ups

(NOTE - You may start on ring dips if you would prefer. If you choose to start with rd, then alternate RD/PU/RD/PU/RD.)


1/2 TABATA toes to bar
1/2 TABATA burpees
1/2 TABATA box jumps, 24/20
1/2 TABATA double Unders

(1/2 tabata = 4 cycles of 20sec on and 10sec off)

Judy Ranelli said...

Saw a cool WOD posted on FB:

Boston Strong:
26:20 AMRAP
800m Run
4 Burpees
15 KB Swings (53/35)
13 Situps

Oatie said...

I like it Judy Danger! Tonight was sweattastic! The pp w the slam ball was...unique to say the least. On my last rd of slams, the ball was slipping out of my hands from the sweat. IT WAS GREAT & AWFU, LOL.

Oatie said...

You crack me up Mr. Bill!! Ohead work is good, no matter the circumstances.