Friday, March 7, 2014

Workout 14.2

Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
   2 rounds of:
   10 overhead squats
   10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
   2 rounds of:
   12 overhead squats
   12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
   2 rounds of:
   14 overhead squats
   14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
95-lb. overhead squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
65-lb. overhead squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
MASTERS MEN - includes Masters Men 55+
65-lb. overhead squats
Chin-over-bar pull-ups

MASTERS WOMEN - includes Masters Women 55+
45-lb. overhead squats
Jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups

Each 3-minute section begins from the standing position with the barbell on the floor and the Athlete standing tall. Using a ball, box or other object to check for proper depth is not allowed. Every rep counts in this workout. You will enter your score as the total number of reps. See the Scorecard for assistance in calculating the rep total.

Time Bonus
This workout begins as a standard three-minute couplet of two rounds of 10 overhead squats and 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups. If you complete all 40 reps (two complete rounds) before the time cap you will rest until the three minutes is up before beginning the next segment. In the second segment, minute 3 to minute 6, you will attempt two rounds of 12 overhead squats and 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups. If you complete all 48 reps (two complete rounds) before the time cap you will rest until the six minutes is up before beginning the next segment. In the third segment, minute 6 to minute 9, you will attempt two rounds of 14 overhead squats and 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups. If you complete all 56 reps (two complete rounds) before the time cap you will rest until the nine minutes is up before beginning the next segment. You will continue in this pattern for as long as possible. Sixteen reps of each during minutes 9 to 12, 18 reps of each during minutes 12 to 15, etc.

Your workout is over whenever you do not complete two full rounds of the couplet within the time cap and your score will be the total number of reps you complete.

For example, if you complete the first two rounds of 10s (40 reps) in 2:30, you will rest until 3:00 before beginning the rounds of 12s. If you then complete one full round of 12s plus an additional 10 overhead squats (34 reps) by minute 6, your workout is over. Your score will be 74 (40 reps from the first segment plus 34 reps from the second segment).

CLICK HERE to download a PDF of the workout description and scorecard

Post score to comments.

VIDEO - Carl Paoli breaks down the Reebok CrossFit Games Workout 14.2.  How to maximize efficiency and mechanics at the hip and shoulder levels.


bill said...

masters rx - 72 reps (8 reps into the second set of 12) I could see the fuel needle dropping at a high rate of speed on that one...if I could have just had donut break at 3 minutes.

Casey said...

Anyone doing the WOD tonight?

Puma said...

See you there Casey

Amber said...

Finished rd 1!!! Yay!
70 reps

I loved seeing everyone tonight. Congrats to EA for getting her first chest to bar pull-up!

Amber said...

Oh my goodness, Casey, I didn't know you got your first FOUR chest to bar pull-ups last night! That's awesome!! Congratulations to you, too!

Casey said...

Yay!! And thank you!- Amber and Brian- you guys did awesome!!!