Friday, October 18, 2013


5 rounds of:
1 min to complete 30 Russian KB Swings, 2/1.5pd**
1 min Rest
**PENALTY: 10 Burpee penalty for every round of KBS not completed. Complete your Burpees during your "Rest" time.
The Russian Kettlebell Swing is characterized by a high point with the kettlebell directly in front of the eyes. The movement is shorter, faster and more compact than the American Kettlebell Swing we normally use in our workouts.
Post completed rounds and total Burpees to comments.

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Cori said...

i did kbs with 35# w/american swings instead of russian for a little bit more of a challenge for me. it's the first time i've done kbs since back injury. it didnt' hurt, but i'm very glad i didn't do anymore than that.

light attendance at the 5:15a class...where was erbody?

Cori said...

this is a fantastic article by talayna fortunato "top 10 mistakes crossfitters make." take note that your coaches often tell you several of these things! :)

Oatie said...

Good article coach! I am soooo ready to get back to WODing, that's for sure!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I was looking forward to seeing everyone at the 5:15am class, but I had to kettle bell swing by myself! It was fun catching up with Cori :)

Unknown said...

Would have loved to make it and hate I stood you guys up but I was on the phone with work till 11 o clock last night. When the clock struck 4 my body did not respond.

Unknown said...

It was a good short workout today. I graduated to the 44# kettlebell too!

Unknown said...

Cori my favorite was # 10 :) I (LOL) when I read that