15 minutes to establish Max Weighted Dip
8 min AMRAP of:
10 Ring Pushups
20 Situps
30 Double Unders
Post max load and reps to comments.
Post max load and reps to comments.
BURPEES-TO-BABY: 81 burpees!
From Cynthia Raulston
Miss rice? Make it without all the starch using cauliflower. This is a very easy recipe and it is almost a comfort food. Use it to make chicken and rice soup or stir fry veggies and meat.
Just did make 100# It was good seeing the fabed dip bars holding so much with josh + 140 :) not quiet the breaking point but I am glad those guys put them to the test
Shane pulling another monster rabbit out of the hat
Bill and Sandy running away with the 55+ masters
Eddie 50+
The AM group is killing it all but DU with a few exceptions
Yummy! Thanks for the recipe Cynthia!
Even though I am not doing the WLC, I look forward to the daily blog and reading what yall suggest on what works/what doesn't work, and trying to put all of it to good use. So, thank you!
good job to the AM crew! We had a good group show up and show out!
I think Josh was trying to make me feel good and stayed at 140#s with me. He looked like he could added a few more KBs on there.
Dang! Sounds like the "big boys" were in the gym this a.m.
Shane I know you guys are in the amphitheater. After I get settled down with this baby I am going to tryout for the "Carport Amphitheater Team":)
Back in town but have a meeting tonight. I am seriously missing the Box and am feeling very out of shape!
Back in town but have a meeting tonight. I am seriously missing the Box and am feeling very out of shape!
Miss you Jen! Settle in and hope to see you soon:)
Those are some big numbers boys!
tomorrow's wod is:
20 minutes to establish a Max Squat Snatch from the Hang
50 Burpee Box Jumps for time. (30/24)
Really liked this WOD. Happy with my depth on the dip. Those ring push-ups were tough! 31# on max and 4+3 on WOD.
Great job EA and Alex on body weight- woo hoo!
Cynthia, you were awesome tonight! I'm still working on those darn DU's.
EA- they will come. You are way ahead of the curve already. Try setting a timer and do 20 on the minute every minute for five minutes- took me a long time, but they finally clicked:)
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