Color Run @ Barber Motor Sports Park!!
7:45 - meet at the gym to carpool to the race! If you have not already picked up your race packet or if you still need to sign up, you might want to leave a little earlier so you have plenty of time to get your packet and join in the pre-race fun! We would hate for you to miss it because you are standing in line.
9:00 - Race starts!! The one with the most color wins!
Open Gym 12:00-2:00
BURPEES-TO-BABY: 64 burpees!
WHOLE LIFE CHALLENGE - only 4 days away!!
Get Registered NOW!!
The Whole Life Challenge isn’t about trying to compete, win, or get it perfect. It’s a practice in making small, personal, incremental changes in your daily life that stick... for days, weeks, months and years to come. USE THE CODE: WLCRYGaNthJH to join the Carport CrossFit WHOLE LIFE CHALLENGE and SAVE $5!
Good luck Autumn, Alex and Rachel in the color run! Take lots of pictures! :)
(and good luck to anyone else running)
Hope everyone had a great Labor Day!
Here is tomorrow's wod. I'm posting early because there are some skill movements involved.
15 minutes to establish a max 3-position Snatch (1 snatch from the ground, 1 snatch from top of the knee, 1 snatch from the high hang)
10min AMRAP of
30 Double Unders
15 Snatches (75/55)
Post load and rounds and reps to comments.
Note about the 3 position snatch:
Perform a snatch from 3 different starting positions consecutively. The positions and order can be changed depending on the needs of the athlete and the training objectives. Most common would be floor, hang and mid-hang. For technically proficient athletes, start low and work high to increase fatigue and limit the distance and time available to accelerate the bar in order to improve second pull power. For athletes learning technique, start high where the athlete will be more comfortable and work low to add in more complexity. Coach will determine the best order for each athlete.
Also, all ladies, I sent you all an evite to Amber's baby shower that will be on Sunday, Sept 8 at 2 p.m. If you didn't receive the evite, please let me know. I need RSVP's by Thursday.
Thank you! :)
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