
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Push Press X 3

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Using 50% of 3RM, accumulate as many Shoulder-to-Overhead reps as possible during the following 10 minute Burpee ladder.
Minute 1 - 1 Burpee + AMRAP Shoulder-to-Overhead
Minute 2 - 2 Burpees + AMRAP Shoulder-to-Overhead
Minute 3 - 3 Burpees + AMRAP Shoulder-to-Overhead
Post loads and total reps to comments. Compare to 6/11/10 ,  6/17/11, 6/5/12, and 2/2/13.

BURPEES-TO-BABY: 38 burpees!

World Wide WOD @ Carport CrossFit!
Join thousands of other competitors around the country for a ONE DAY, THREE WOD blowout! Compete in one of the three divisions to fit any athlete. August 10th, just two weeks after the CrossFit Games are over, you will want to jump into this Garage Games Event! Now is your chance to “Be The 1″ for you to take the stage, for you to shine. If you are a beginner… no problem. A Scaled competitor… no problem. An RX Beast, we got you covered. A Master at either RX or scaled levels… yep, you are in.

Individual: $50
Event Date: August 10th
Workouts: View them HERE
Divisions: RX, Scaled, Beginner, Masters 40-49 RX, Masters 50 RX, Masters 40 Scaled
Teams: No
Check-in: 8:00am
Start-Time: 9:00am
Reg. Ends: 2013-08-07
Competitor T-shirts: $12 (you can purchase them HERE from WODLife)


  1. Got my one rep max PR on 3 reps today at 205#

    71 reps on the workout through 10 rds at 105#

  2. Good job Shane! 3 reps on a 1 rep max is T-rific!

  3. I'm still trying to figure out when I'm going to rest during this WOD???

  4. Thanks Bill and Puma your rest period is when you write down how many presses you did that minute. It equates to a long 5 second rest! :)

  5. this early post is brought to you by my hopefully early bedtime! :)

    Weighted Pullups 3-3-3-3-3
    5 min AMRAP of the following ascending ladder
    1 C2B pullup, 2 TTB
    2 C2B pullups, 4 TTB
    3 C2B pullups, 6 TTB

    Post loads and reps to comments.
