Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Muscle Up practice!

15 min of Muscle Up practice
10 rounds for max reps
30 sec Toes-to-Bar
30 sec Burpees
Post reps to comments.
BURPEES-TO-BABY: 59 burpees!

In the video below, Kelly, a 3x WLC veteran, talks about how the Challenge, because it touched on so many lifestyle areas, had profound effects on her entire life.

The Whole Life Challenge isn’t about trying to compete, win, or get it perfect. It’s a practice in making small, personal, incremental changes in your daily life that stick... for days, weeks, months and years to come. USE THE CODE: WLCRYGaNthJH to join the Carport CrossFit WHOLE LIFE CHALLENGE and SAVE $5!


Cori said...

Hey, y'all! Guess what!? It's BROOKE'S BIRTHDAY today!

Happy birthday to the best sister, mom, friend, and gym encourager I know! Your dedication, perseverance and tenacity to crossfit, and LIFE, are inspiring me every day to be a better person! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

bill said...

Happy Birthday to our friend Brooke. You are a great encouragement to us BTB!

The Raulstons said...

Yay! Happy Birthday sweet friend!!! You are the best training buddy a girl could have!

Unknown said...

BtB get a MU on her Bday :)

Jennifer said...

Happy Happy Birthday Brooke! Thanks for always being such a great motivator and cheerleader at the Carport!

Unknown said...

Happy bday Brooke!

Cori said...

She got double unders last year on her birthday, so it is looking favorable!!!

Brooke said...

Thanks, yall! And yall of course know that as soon as I pulled up the blog this morning and saw "15 minutes of mu practice", I automatically thought getting a muscle up would be THE BEST birthday present ever!!! Just like getting double unders last year! Regardless, I will try as hard as I can!

Sandy said...

Happy, happy birthday, Brooke! Hope it is the best one ever!!

Cori said...

Bear Complex, for max load.
15 min to establish max. The Bear Complex consists of one unbroken set of the following movements.
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press, push jerk okay
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press, push jerk okay

5 rounds for max wallball reps.
1 min to complete 5 Bears (50%max) and as many WB as possible.
30 sec Rest

bill said...

115 max bear/65 for WOD/21 WB

Judy Ranelli said...

65 with TTR. This was the first WOD for me where I actually got my toes through the rings.

Puma said...

Happy Birthday Brooke!