Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"NANCY" - Leaderboard WOD!

5 Rounds For Time
400m Run
15 Overhead squats (95/65)

Post time to comments.

HOLIDAY HOURS: Closed on Thursday, July 4th only. We will be open our normal hours the rest of the week.


Cori said...

alright, i'll post first! :)

i did my 3 burpee muscle ups, some GHDs and some shoulder presses. maybe i'll run the wod tonight if i'm feeling spicy!

everyone remember that the 400m run at the new gym is if you have done this wod before at the warehouse, your times might not be comparable.

Unknown said...

did the WOD this morning at 14:15 RX. Messed up and thought I did 5 and it was 4 and was mentally extinguished-ran back out and did another round. Next time it will be 13:30

Sandy said...

Bill and I are working on our burpees till baby at home in reverse. I have done 58 so far today just 40 to go! I really like counting down far more than counting up!

Eddie Allen said...

What a butt kicking the last two days have least to me. Started with the goal of not getting lapped by Shane!! (Now I know why he didn't...he cut me a 45 second break.) 18:21 with 75#'s

Coach...Love my Sharpie pen but can never give up my mechanical to my ears as it flows against the paper!!

Everyone have a safe and happy July 4th.

Puma said...


Are you sure you've really thought this thing out? If the baby comes early, you will have done way more burpees than if you had been counting up.

Sandy said...

Puma, Yes - that just means we will be in that much better shape than the rest of you slackers! :-)

Anonymous said...

Well said Sandy- spoken like a true CrossFit Warrior Princess!

Cori said...

Wow, Sandy! Speak it sista'!

Puma said...

Oh, Sandy, is THAT why we do this?? I thought it was a challenge to see who could "game it" the best!

Sandy said...

Haha!! Gaming it is really more true to our character. But it will be nice as the days progress to be doing less and less!

Unknown said...

I think we need to start calling Ms. Sandy Sparkplug now..... :)

Puma said...

Shane, your time on this WOD is outstanding. Well done.

Jennifer said...

Well said Sandy!!

Happy with my sub-20 time. 35#.

Plus a set of 2 and a set of 3 unbroken unassisted pull-ups for my burpee bonus exercise!

Unknown said...

Million meter baby with other exercises
Good work being done by the Hill's