Friday, May 17, 2013

Individual Event 6 - 2013

For time:
100 Double-unders
50 Handstand push-ups
40 Toes-to-bar
30 Shoulder to overhead with axle (160 / 100 lbs)
90 foot Walking lunge with axle in front rack (160 / 100 lbs)

Time cap: 15 minutes

Note: We will sub 20 lunges, alternating legs, with barbell in the front rack for the 90ft walking lunge prescribed. Post time or completed reps to comments.

Cori made it to FL! She will do Events 1-3 today, Events 4 and 5 tomorrow, and Events 6 and 7 Sunday. Event 1 "Jackie" is at 10:15 this morning. Events 2 and 3 are at 2:30pm. You can follow Cori's progress all weekend on the CF Games Leaderboard (select "Individual Women" and "Southeast").


bill said...

Mod - 1/2 rep numbers at 100lbs=111 reps

Unknown said...

Hate I missed this morning! Looked like a good WOD. Pulled my quad last night so it was Advil and ice for me.

Judy Ranelli said...

One more shoulder stretch for mobility:

sheena said...

i divided the wod in half and did two modified rounds...

round 1
50 DUs, 25 push-ups, 20 TTB, 15 shoulder to overhead (45#), 10 bar in front rack lunges (45#)

round 2
50 DUs, 25 push-ups, 20 TTB, 1 shoulder to overhead (45#)

total reps: 216

the board says 15:14, but i did my math wrong. it should be 15:24, as i was 24 reps from completing the second round.

The Raulstons said...

I just checked in with Brooke- Cori OHS 130#!!! About to start burpee muscle ups...

bill said...

Missed you two guys this morning Eddie and Shane

Jennifer said...

2 modified rounds of
50 DUs
25 stink bugs
20 toes 2 rings
15 push jerks 55#
10 lunges 45#
19 reps from completing the second round