Monday, April 22, 2013

Wallball, DU

5 rounds for total wallball reps:
90 sec to complete 50 DU and as many Wallball shots (20/14) as possible.
45 sec Rest

Post total Wallball shots to comments.

"Christmas Abbott: Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel", HBO Sports.


Amber said...

Rx 67
Rd1 - 50ub, 21
Rd2 - 10
Rd3 - 50ub, 22
Rd4 - 3
Rd5 - 11

Cashout: 15 TTB, 16 burpees, 18 TTB

bill said...

Let me put it this way...This was a good double under practice day for me. I'll just leave it at that ;0)

Amber said...

I reran it with Drew and used a lighter scale. At rd 2 I switched to 30 DU and 10# WB.

Rd1: (Rx) 9
Rd2: 30 UB DU, 27 WB
Rd3: 25/5 DU, 25 WB
Rd4: 8/22 DU, 28 WB
Rd5: 30 UB DU, 31 WB

Score: 120

Unknown said...

88 RX score for me. All the cash out exercises were bad but did 25 burpees.

Also knocked out another 1.5 miles at the end on a run. Thanks Sheena!

Eddie Allen said...

I have to get DU's or I feel left out in the cold on workouts such as this. Coach said something today about an activity called "practice" that may help!! Five whole wallballs as I only hit 150 twice.

Jennifer said...

This is going to be quite the rude welcome back to the Carport tonight! I've missed y'all though. See you tonight!

Cori said...

wod for tomorrow:

OHS 5x5, heaviest possible
5 min AMRAP of:
10 OHS (75% of 5rep max)
5 c2b pull-ups

Jennifer said...

Pack. 30 DU attempts, 10# wallball
Total- 56
Put in an extra 400 m run/ walk after the cash out.

Judy Ranelli said...

75 singles, 10# wb, 40.