Monday, April 1, 2013


2 x 7min AMRAP
21 Thrusters (95/65)
21 Pull-ups
15 Clean and jerks (95/65)
15 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
9 Squat snatches (95/65)
9 Muscle ups

Rest 3 minutes between AMRAPs. Post rounds and reps to comments.

"Chad Vaughn, 285 pound Snatch" - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Congratulations to the Carport CrossFit She Beast Butt-kickers for their AWESOME run Saturday! They brought home the Rumpshaker 2nd place Female Team trophy. Thank you also to the Carport CF Dudes who ran the Rumpshaker. What a great turn-out!


Unknown said...

In the words of the wise Bill Myers, that was HUMDINGER!

81 1st rd-tried 3 MUs and failed
74 2nd rd-never made it to MUs

Eddie Allen said...

64 and 63 with 75#'s.

bill said...

When I saw that there were 2 - 7 min amraps this morning I thought 'oh I know, this is an April fools joke, surely it's just one 7 min amrap'. Then I found out that Cori doesn't do April fools was no Shane said it was a humdinger-oh my achin' Beyonce.
73 first round
59 second round
BTW Cori, there was never really any need to be concerned about where I was going to do muscle ups - the bigger concern was a bucket I could collect my parts in, they were everywhere. Happy April Fools Day CJs!

Kista said...

Bill, I feel you about the bucket for your parts. I scaled the heck out of this one. I don't know why I was worried about the squat snatches, I barely made it there. I got one on each round. But I feel Frantastic!

Kista said...

Also, I finished the online judges course so if y'all need me to count let me know! I'm official!

Unknown said...

I did 35#. Like you Kista I was worried about the snatches but I never made it that far. I did 64 and 64. I am consistent. Also Kista, while I am at work it is easiest to reach me via email if you have any openings,

Kista said...

Thanks Tonya, I'll be in touch.

bill said...

Amidst my whining I forgot to mention I was only lifting 75lbs.

sheena said...

i also scaled way down due to some shoulder pain.

35# 75 & 63

Carport Crossfit said...

Sweet! Thanks!

Kista said...

No problem! Would have done it sooner if I had known I could.

Jennifer said...

This was an air sucker. My arms are still shaking!!!

Cori said...

That was rough. Next time i need to wait before trying a muscle up. My cf brain told me i had 30 sec when i actually had90 sec on the mu. Failed 3 times. Second round, i got through the snatches right in the nick of time.

Amber said...

I agree Shane, even that buyin was a humdinger!
Thrusters 11-10
Pu 7-7-7
C&J 8-7
C2B 5-5-5
Snatches 2

Thrusters 15-6
Pu 11-10
C&J 8-7
C2B 4-3-3-2-2-1
Snatches 5