
Friday, April 26, 2013

Deadlift, Push-up

Ten rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts, (135/95)
15 push-ups

Post time to comments. Compare to 1/12/12.

Remember the Press/Squat WOD we did last Wednesday 4/17/13? Watch how fast Jason Khalipa and Austin Stack complete it. WOW!- video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]


  1. I was so excited to finally have "Rx" by my name again and dang if I didn't load my bar wrong! Only did 85#.

  2. Oh no Amber! I thought you did it on purpose or i would have said something!

    10:38 rx it was fun wodding with the 6a class!

  3. killed myself on the push ups but a good WOD

    12:50 I think????

    1 mile run afterwards with the 20# vest on

  4. I'm going to make an effort to start posting :) I'm with Shane...push-ups killed! I did pack @ 75# and I can't remember my time exactly but it was 13:?? I underestimated how tough it was going to get.

    Nice job on the running Shane :)

  5. Rx 17:40

    Cori, it was fun to work out with you!

    Those push ups were intense!

  6. I was so aggravated I just had to rerun this. I did it RX for real this time AND beat my score!!! Woohoo! Thanks Drew for keeping my rounds and cheering me on!
    11:04 :)

  7. 75# 10 rounds.

    17:50 this one got serious. The glasses had to come off. Good Friday workout especially since I don't expect to walk that fluidly tomorrow, or move my arms for that matter.

  8. this one sounds like one i need to try...perhaps i'll make an appearance tomorrow.

  9. Holy arms Batman! That was a good WOD and I was so happy to be back in the gym. Bravo to Jennifer Kimble for all unbroken push-ups- woo hoo! 12:15 Rx - Cynthia

  10. Really enjoyed the WOD today...and really the programming for the whole week. Props to the Coaches for dialing up some great workouts. Everyone have a blessed weekend!
