WOD 1:
Every Other Minute on the Minute for 10 min (heaviest possible)
0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00
1 Squat Clean
2 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
WOD 2:
5 minute AMRAP of Squat Clean and Jerks with 70-75% of heaviest load from WOD 1.
Score is heaviest load from WOD1 x total reps from WOD2. Post scores to comments.
115lbs max wt on WOD 1
75lbs x 30 reps WOD 2 = 3450 total
85 max WOD 1
65 WOD 2 22 reps
Thanks for the awesome chalkboards, Bill! Those are super handy!
the chalkboards are awesome! thanks, bill!!
WOD 1: 73# max
WOD 2: 63# x 16
SCORE: 1168
i can't bring myself to round up to 75# and 65#. the bar weighs what the bar weighs...
ok this was a good work out, hard transition for me on the heavier weight to press from front squat..
Maxed 175# WOD 1 and did 130 X 18 on WOD 2 and beat by the beast Bill and Drew, who I still think were counting by 2s... :)
Bill awesome boards, thanks...
Bill-the new Chairman of the "Boards" at CCF...
I liked this WOD!
60lbs max on WOD 1 (btw that's a push press PR for Stacey)
45# on WOD2-28 reps..
"push jerk" PR, scuse me.
Way to go Stacey on a new PR!
I worked on push presses and push jerks in open gym on Satuday so we will see how today goes.
From Crossfit Lisbeth today- Love it!!
"When I don’t think I can keep going, somehow I do. My head and my heart don’t know how to quit. My pedal is not just to the metal but I’m redlining the **** out of this puppy, even if I’m at the back of the pack. If the wheels don’t come off and I don’t crash, it’s going to be a hell of a day".
Shane- 2s are much easier to count.
You had a great WOD this morning! You have to keep it in perspective - you were lifting 15 lbs more on WOD 2 than my heaviest weight on WOD 1. Plus the bantam weight I was throwing on #2 was only 75 compared to your 130. Then there is Drew....well, you can't compare anything to him since he's a crossfit machine plus he's uncatchable. I remember him telling me once he is fueled by Oreos.
Max wt. on WOD 1 was 75 #
WOD 2 - 55# for 22 reps
Funny Mr. Bill!!! He is a machine, but you are no lightweight sir....
125 max. Missed 135.
31 reps at 95. Score 3875.
35 reps @ 80#
Score = 4025
Roll Tide!!
Little funny video from Alabama Tom ;)
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