Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rest Day


Cori said...

monday's wod (extremely early b/c i'm going to the circus tonight and i don't want to forget)

For total time:
Run 1 mile
10 Muscle ups (spend no more than 3 minutes here)
50 WB shots (spend no more than 3 minutes here)
100 Double Unders (spend no more than 3 minutes here)
Run 1 mile

Post time and reps completed to comments. It will be the athlete's responsibility to keep track of when they come in from their 1 mile run. There is a 3 min time limit for each of the movements. There will possibly be a 30 min time cap to ensure that you keep moving. :) that allows for 2 ten and a half min miles and 9 min to complete the work.

Unknown said...

well I guess I am not that wise....Just did a good at home WOD

25-push ups, sit ups, and air squats
increased by 25 through 100

tabata DUs-99 total-24 highest rep

3 minutes of DUs-1 minute on 1 minute off-43+49+26