Tuesday, January 29, 2013

EMOM for 15 minutes perform:
1 Deadlift
1 muscle clean from mid hang (DEMO VIDEO)
1 power clean from mid hang (DEMO VIDEO)
1 squat clean from mid hang

Clean load - use 60% of max (8/29/12). Post load and rounds completed to comments.


bill said...

75lbs 15 times - Good power clean practice coach....thanks.

Great job on the muscle ups Kerry - another milestone!

Amber said...

Made all reps at 105#
Tabata kbs 1.5pd: (65) 10-8-8-7-8-8-8-8

Congratulations, Kerry!!! :)

The Raulstons said...

Way to go Kerry!!!

stacey said...

Yayyyyy Kerry!
What took you so long? TOtally kidding...

50lbs on this. I enjoyed the way the kettle bell cashout worked some different muscles at the end of that tough workout.

Unknown said...

115# today-had to come out of the
2nd sit and hold set with about 8 seconds left.

Needed this practice workout.

Did 80 total KBs with 1.5 pd

closed with 130-150 DUs-lost count
did for one minute every other minute-worked on them with tired shoulders

Great job Kerry as well!!!

Eddie Allen said...

Way to go Kerry!! 85#'s and my form needs mucho work. I didn't even think to count my KB swings. Thanks to Shane for letting me know the WOD started!! I was in CF Lala land. I owe you man. Great to have Sam back.

Anna said...


Don't worry, Eddie, I was in CF lala land today too. Just kept on going when the buzzer started thinking it was an AMRAP. Took me a minute to realize I wasn't just leaving everyone else in the dust....

Congratulations Kerry! Saw your video - you made it look easy!!

sheena said...

65 26#KB swings

stacey said...

Oh... we were supposed to count the KB swings... uh....
next time...

Casey said...

45 Pounds
No count on KB swings. Will keep up next time :)

Unknown said...

45# for me. I didn't count on the KB swings either. We all know I can't count.

Cori said...

didn't do kbs b/c macie was with me. but i did box jumps 12/min for 10 min and i'm happy to report that macie did her first "box jump"...she jumped up on two unfolded blue mats laying on top of each other! she also did quite a few deadlifts and loaded front squats with one pink dumbbell. :)

Kista said...

Yay Kerry and yay Maci!

I remember counting to 7 and 8 a few times while I was swinging the kb, so between 50-60. (I think)

I loved this WOD!

Oatie said...

Way to go Macie!!

The Raulstons said...

I really liked this WOD - 75# in the WOD and 85 KBS at 1.5 pood. (11-10-12-10-10-11-10-11).

Way to go Macie! Jumping on mats it a pretty big feat!!! I love that our kids are mimicking such awesome habits (as well as a few not so awesome in this house:)) The boys attempted a two-man deadlift this weekend.

Judy Ranelli said...

65#, subbed a muscle clean for the squat clean.

Judy Ranelli said...

BTW Coach Drew I found the WOD we made up:

March 21 2012
AMRAP 20 min.
50 burpees
40 snatch 35lb
30 push press 35lb
20 wallballs 14 lb
10 double-unders

I was 7 double unders from completing one round.

Carport Crossfit said...

Congrats to the 5:30am class for having PERFECT ATTENDANCE today!

Cori said...

Tomorrow's wod
10 min amrap
15 snatches (i think male weight is 75. I know female is 55)
30 du
Sorry for the late post....i just remembered

Carport Crossfit said...

We'll do that again!