Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Chest to bar Pull-ups
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
Lindsey Smith 12 rounds + 5 Wall ball shots (14lb ball, 1 pood KB). Post rounds completed to comments.
WOD Demo with
Lindsey Smith - video [
wmv] [
mov] [
HD mov]
Looooove that wallball board Drewski! Sure is nice not to have to throw balls over and around the dumbbells or rubber plates! I never knew you could throw right up against a cool is that!
Lovin the new Carport-thanks again for so much hard work making it happen coaches.
RX 7 rounds+5reps
Awesome workout this morning....Everyone was killing it! Sheena was nailing the Double Unders at the end
RX 10 + 1 for me....
Man oh man, this one left me flirting with Mr. Pukey & Ms. Wobbly.
8 rds - green band C2B, 10# ball, 35# KB
I second everything Bill says about the wall balls.. I was always afraid of smashing my arms on the plates!
I used 10# WB... each pull up was a C2B attempt, but probably didn't get many...
6rounds +5 reps
I'm with you, Anna! That was a hard WOD!
8 Rds + 5 pull-ups - red band PUs, 10# ball, 26# KB
I was really hoping I could time that 8th round to end right at the 20 minute mark - it was really hard to be motivated to do those last 5 pull-ups!
Sandy! I can't believe that came out of your mouth! :) you aren't a gamer....or have you been fooling us this whole time?
I am with Anna....kicked my tail. 8 rounds with blue band on the C2B.
I told Sandy this morning that completing a proper WOD is like Dom DeLuise says in the movie Fatso, that you need to 'run your plate' correctly so that you sop up the last bit of gravy with the last bit of bread. A properly run WOD should end on the 'round' with no reps left over. This is best accomplished with checking restroom lights-water fountain for operation/giving youself proper distance from movement to movement/hands on head-hips/etc ;0)
Bill - you forgot going to the chalk bucket:)
7+5 this morning. I did 35# KB and 10# WB to the 10 foot mark though. Did anyone ever get a team for the Barnyard Throwdown?
I'm just glad the lanes are run parallel to the plate glass windows up at the front. Makes me less worried about losing my grip on the kettle bell!
I'm tracking with you Cynthia.
Oh and I almost forgot...
thanks Drew, for making this morning's WOD more "blog-able"..
10 reps of 10# Wall balls...
Tonya - me, Brooke and Bill are competing on a team together and there are others that "might" compete. It is going to be fun!
Between the Incredible Hulk and Wall Balls if I sit for more than 15 minutes it takes me awhile to be able to walk instead of waddle.
8+2 - kipping pull-ups, 10# to 10', 26#KB
i don't know which WOD was harder, yesterday's or today's. the 55# push presses from yesterday killed my arms, so today the KB swings were extra hard...even with 26#.
also, i do believe that wall balls are infinitely better in the new box. i actually did a few rounds unbroken, which for me is a big deal considering i usually drop the ball after every throw.
shane, thanks for the extra motivation today during the WOD! i needed it! and sorry about your hands. :(
I wasn't going to wimp out and say anything but I'll join the squatters are KILLING me! I'm going to see if I can get thru the rest of the day without sitting down cause the getting up and moving brings out Maria.
Okay Cynthia, I was just wondering because I remember you guys saying it may be full, but I guy I work with is one of the dudes putting it on and he said that he could probably get ya'll in if it was full.
That is awesome Tonya- thanks for checking in and looking out for us:)
Scaled WOD courtesy of BrandX:
Big Dawgs
as Rx
Women - 14 pound ball/1 pood KB
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Wall ball shots, 12-16 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood or 30 pound KB
Women - 10 pound ball/24 pound KB
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups (beginner or assisted okay)
10 Wall ball shots, 8-10 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 12-15 pound KB
Welcome Sheena, your pull ups looked great and you were helping me too, I was hoping you would do more so i would..... :) clipped the skin off the hands and hopefully they will heel well over the weekend
9rds + 29 reps
( just 1 kbs away from 10rds! Doh!)
Butterfly c2b except the last three of the last round. :)
11 rounds rx
Everything unbroken
9 rounds exactly. Rx "ish" because I know my chest didn't touch the bar every time.
Just as everyone else said - that was pretty awful. I absolutely did not want to pick up that KB anymore.
Bill- I got plenty of water and lots of chalk:)
Dang Cori! You killed it!!!
8 + 27 rounds. Blue band, 10# wallball and 3/4 pood kettlebell. I'm pretty sure I couldn't feel my arms or know which way was up by the time the buzzer sounded. Motrin, please.
RX but only 6 rds. Rips on both hands
Jennifer, my best friend today has been Advil
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