Monday, November 26, 2012

10 minutes to establish Max Snatch


Overhead Squat Ladder using 70% of your max snatch:
With a continuously running clock do one OHS the first minute, two OHS's the second minute, three OHS's the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Snatch the weight from the ground to begin each round. 20 minute time cap.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Post number of minutes completed to comments.

Coach Glassman now owns 100% of CrossFit, Inc. stock.


Dave said...

WOW!!!! Look at the work already done in there. The future of Carport Crossfit is very bright and this is just the start of something bigger to come! I love this community that everyone has built and I know life long relationships have been established among the members with each other.

The Raulstons said...

The place looks amazing!!!

bill said...

Great picture of the new digs coach! It really looks nice!

Ed said...

Congratulations on the gym!

Anna said...

Looking really great!

50# (PR!) max squat snatch

OHS Ladder @ 35# - 10 reps (9 mins)

Eddie Allen said...

Looks great. Hate I missed this morning. Cori...Any chance one of the afternoon/evening classes would have a space available?

stacey said...

Ooohhhhh Shiny~

65# Max Snatch-PR
45# OHS 10 rounds/10 reps and called it a day.
Gotta get me one of those wrist support thingies!

The Raulstons said...

Nice PR's ladies!
Eddie - Neither Jonathan nor I will be attending tonight, but I don't know if the class is still full otherwise.

sheena said...

50# squat snatch PR
35# OHS 8+4

darn my weakling wrists.

Cori said...

Eddie, since the raulstons are out, you could come to the 5:30p or 6:30p class. If more than 7 or 8 athletes show up, we will run wave starts.

Jennifer said...

The new gym looks great coaches!! Looking forward to getting back to the carport tonight. Thanksgiving + 4 days off may = ugly.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday!

Eddie Allen said...

Thanks Cori. I will shoot for the 5:30 class. No worries if it is full.

stacey said...

Just in case anyone wanted to do a low key, half marathon this weekend..
This one doesn't get alot of attention, but it's great for a PR as it is relatively flat and there are NO Turns...It's completely on the Chief Ladiga trail. Every year they run between Jacksonville and Piedmont although each year they reverse the start/finish. You can park at either start or finish and there will be shuttles to take you where you need to go. As I mentioned, pretty low key, which also means... If you need water at every mile, you may be out of luck. When I last did it I think they had 3 stops...But.. you could have a friend on a bike support you if you want, by having them ride on ahead, etc..or wear a camelback and call it a fun training run. Usually less than 200 runners...
Haven't made a final decision on this yet, but wanted to share it, regardless:

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say im so happy for you guys the new spot is awesome! im proud to say Carport CrossFit when anybody ask me what gym i started at! your guys coaching is second to none! coming in at the end of the week. Z

Tin Man said...

The new gym looks awesome