Monday, November 5, 2012

1 1/4 Squats

On the minute every other minute for 20 minutes, perform:
One Squat Clean and two 1 1/4 Squats, heaviest possible.

Post loads to comments.

"The 1¼ squat (from Charles Poliquin) is great for developing strength in the bottom of the clean as well as timing and the ability to recover after a limited eccentric movement. It also emphasizes development of the VMO, which can help better stabilize the knee, particularly in female athletes. The athlete will either front or back squat to the bottom, recover to just above parallel, return to the bottom, and recover fully. These can be performed at a normal tempo or with a bounce."    
-Catalyst Athletics


bill said...

95lbs - 115lbs 500 meter row 1:50-maybe call it 1:49 cause when I opened my eyes it was at 505 meters...bonus!

Good to meet Tonya, Tracey and Casey. Great to see a packed 2nd a.m. class plus it'll be a great day cause Cynthia and Stacey were both there!

Now we have Tracey, Casey, Stacey and Macie.....this is going to be tough.

stacey said...

This was an interesting WOD. Got a little out of sorts with timing but..
ranged from 45-90. That's a PR on the clean, and I felt as though I could do more. Ran out of time...

Here are the Vulcan Run results I tried to cryptically copy/paste/fail on saturday's postings...
I mentioned I was 48 so you could find the age group.

The Raulstons said...

Hey Carporters! I know that many average voters often don't know much about the judicial races locally because you don't interact with any of the candidates. Jonathan and I know almost all of them since he works in civil and I work in criminal. We have filled out a sample ballot in case anyone is interested. Just e-mail me at and I will send it to you. These races are more important than you know and their terms last 6 years.

6 am is a little easier when it is daylight out there:)
I did the squats from the rack because of my arm.
105/115/120/125/125/130/130/130/130/135 - I lost the 2nd 1.25 squat at 135, but picked it up and finished.

Cori said...

my cleans felt great today! i realized i do the same thing with those that i do with the snatches. i love a-ha moments!

great job to both classes!

The Raulstons said...

Great job Stacey on your PR and your race results! Excellent:)

willpugh said...

Inspiration for some lifting today ... also ... this poem about the squat

Down this road, in a gym far away,
a young man was heard to say,
"no matter what i do, my legs won't grow"
he tried leg extensions, leg curls, and leg presses , too
trying to cheat, these sissy workouts he'd do.

from the corner of the gym where the big men train,
through a cloud of chalk and the midst of pain
where the noise is made with big forty fives,
a deep voice bellowed as he wrapped his knees.
a very big man with legs like trees.

laughing as he snatched another plate from the stack
chalking his hands and monstrous back,
said, "boy, stop lying and don't say you've forgotten,
the trouble with you is you ain't been SQUATTIN'. "

Tonya said...

My cleans are definitely holding me back on the squats. I could only manage to clean 50#s but it will happen!

stacey said...

I can hear that poem set to the music of "Big Bad John"....

stacey said...
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stacey said...
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The Raulstons said...

Hey no shirt! I hear you are coming in town for the holidays. The question is, will you still be no-shirt or will some other name emerge? Only time will tell...

Hope you get to make it to the gym while you are here!

stacey said...

Brad writes his own posting!

Oatie said...

Thanks for sharing Stacey! That's AWSOME!! See you folks this eve @ 5:30 :-)

stacey said...


sheena said...

started w/ 50#. completed 9th round w/ 75#. attempted 10th round w/ 80#...cleaned and did the first squat, but missed the second. next time!

Jennifer said...

Going to try to make it to 5:30 tonight. This will be my first attempt at squat cleans. Lord help us all.

DREW said...

To clear up any misconcepts about (V.M.O.)vastus medialis obliquus (VMO); the muscle which helps controls the way the knee cap moves when we bend and straighten our knees.

I personaly like to talk an easyer
terms( in side upper leg muscle) A.K.A (tierdrop)
but that is some good Latin :)

bill said...

I thought Drew didn't blog - I'm proud of you for jumping in there buddy. Carport....get fit and get educated.

Kista said...


I understand the concept of "fast elbows" but I was having some trouble with the execution :)