
Monday, March 5, 2012

Mini-Murph - get ready for Memorial Day!!

5 rounds for time of:
400M run
15 pullups
30 pushups
45 squats

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Post time to comments.

"On Monday, May 28, 2012, Carport CrossFit will celebrate Memorial Day and honor our nation's fallen heroes including, in particular, those who have been awarded The Congressional Medal of Honor, by running the Hero WOD known as "The Murph" or "Murphy". The Murph consists of a 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 air squats and another 1 mile run. It is said to have been the favorite workout of U.S.N. Lt. Michael Murphy who, at the age of 29, valiantly and selflessly gave his life for his country and his comrades while engaging enemy combatants in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005. The pull-ups, pushups, and squats may be partitioned as needed. As Lt. Murphy preferred to do this workout wearing body armor, athletes are encouraged to wear weighted vests as they dare." - Puma

Thank you, David Pugh, for suggesting we do "Memorial Day Murph" again and for all your event ideas. For your forward thinking on this and other promotional events, we are naming you President of Parties. Congratulations!

Compare to 5/30/11.


  1. 29.49 RX. Thanks for letting us finish Cori, for me it was one of those gotta do.

    The anticipation was exceeded only by the actual event.

  2. 37:38 - pull ups with a band, push ups on knees...still kind of wobbly 2 1/2 hours later

  3. great job morning peeps!

    everyone can thank david pugh for this fun little wod! :)

  4. I have been thanking him all day long:) Is there a time limit for this? - Cynthia

  5. the scale are less rounds

    The Raulstons i think u should pack it with 3 rounds. so u are around 20 to 30 min

  6. Thanks so much David P......words alone cannot express my gratitude. I'm just glad I didn't see this WOD before I went to bed last night. I would have stayed awake all night trying to figure out how to game this. Actually we've had worse.

  7. i posted on the board a time domain of 20-30 min for this wod. so pick a scale that you can complete the work in that amount of time, ie do jumping pullups, do 3 rounds instead of 5, etc. :)

  8. RX, 28:12, still within my goal

  9. 32:57, 4 rounds, green-band pull-ups.

  10. 23:46 rx
    my squat depth was getting shabby towards the end. i will make sure to work on that, and if you see me doing poor ROM on anything...even toeing the line...please call me out. i need and want accountability. :)

  11. 23:05 - 3 rounds with ring rows

  12. 33:15 RX Definitely wasn't feeling 100%

  13. Cynthia
    20:44 - MOD WOD - 500m row, RR & box pushups, 3 rounds

    26:something? Seriously MOD'd WOD at home for 3 rounds - I am impressed he got out and did it!
