
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


For time:
30 Handstand Push-ups
30 Ball Slams
30 Wall Ball shots, 10ft
30 Toes to Bar
30 Box Jumps
30 Situps
30 Dips
30 Pushups
30 Overhead Squats, 45lbs
30 Double Unders

No water breaks during the wod. Post time to comments.


  1. 19:37
    12#BS, 14#WB, 24"box, GHD, ring dips

    That took longer than I had hoped. My shoulder felt really tweaky tonight. It took me 3:37 to finish HSPU! Yikes! BS were easy b/c the ball was so light - thank you shoulder;). Stayed on 10's for WB. I jumped up and stepped down box jumps. Probably should hVe done the 20" box but I wanted to practice the 24". Obviously i need it b/c i Hit the ole shin on rep 25. I did finish my jumps - so proud of myself for that! Ghds were 15/3/3/9. Ring dips were mostly doubles. Pushups were surprisingly tough. I knew they would be hard after ring dips but not THAT hard. They felt like ring pushups. It was so hard to get full rom I stayed on 2's and 3's. OHS unbroken. DU 17/13.

    This is such a funny wod. Drew made it up for Dave a couple of years ago to help him learn not to take so many water breaks. The movements are ones that Dave does really well ( BS, WB, BJ, dips, pushups) and ones that he needed lots of work on at the time (HSPU, t2b, GHD sit-ups, ohs, du).


  2. a - maybe your shoulder felt that way b/c of all of the push presses from yesterday morning?

    regardless, good job! the RD's and pushups at the end are gonna be my goats.

  3. **DISCLAIMER: i only did 10 ring dips**
    same weights and movements as amber except 20" box

    something is really strained in my shoulder. i got through 10 ring dips, and it was painful. no other shoulder movement hurts except the push out of the dip. at the end of the wod, i went back to see if i could power through the rest of them, but i couldn't do it.

    hspu 15/10/5 (kipping)
    bs 30 (time was <3:30!) :)
    wb 10/10/10
    t2b 10/10/10
    box jumps 15/8/7
    ghds 15/5/5/5
    *time was 11:50 at this point*
    ring dips 4/1/1/1/1/1/1 ouch!
    pushups just got through them
    ohs 15/15
    du's 3 (trip up)/20/7

    p.s. i drank water during the wod....oops.

  4. 24:15
    30#BS, 20#WB, 24" box, 10GHD-10situps-10GHD, ring dips

    Ring Dips were s l o w. Pushups were sets of 3.

  5. wow! look at paul stepping on out there with the 30# ball slams! kuddos to you, brotha!

  6. Time: 34:55, with box pushups, 12 lb ball slams, 10 lb wb, KtoE, 20" box, box dips, toothpick OHS.

  7. 29:08
    20# bs, 14# wb, 24" box

    definitely a great workout. Good job to Drew!

  8. 34:37 Rx. No water. Good clean fun.

  9. 19:19 30#bs, 20#wb ,24"box ,GHD it was hard to pick the goat to work in the cash out

  10. Translated - amber beat me in the cash out ;)

  11. I think I just gave myself easy with that wink. I was speaking for my husband there. Haha
