
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"The Lell's"

Alex Lell (aka Lell-1)

Paul Lell (aka Lell-2)

10 minute AMRAP of:
10 Kettlebell swings, 2pd
15 Double Unders

Post rounds and reps to comments.


  1. I think we were going to ask the lell's the time domain but i like 10 min amrap.

  2. 10 seems to short but 20 seems like a lot swinging a 2 pood. Hey how about 15 min amrap.

    Resting up until Saturday. Will run first wod in 8 days down at Crossfit Five Flags in Pensacola. Back to Bham Tuesday for the week and back on schedule. Hope it is a good tough week.

  3. WOD #1
    15 min AMRAP of
    55# power snatch x 5
    55# snatch balance x 5
    9 rounds

    Then exactly 5 min later
    WOD #2
    since i didn't know if the lells were going to choose a 10 min amrap or a 15 min amrap, i did 15 min but noted how many rounds/reps at the 10 min mark.
    5 hspu head to 25# plates and abmat
    10 1.5 pood kbs
    15 du's
    Total rounds at 10 min:
    4 rds + 6 kbs
    Total rounds at 15 min:
    6 rds + 10 kbs

    all that before breakfast. BAM!

  4. Hi Carport crossfit, hope all is well. I am still at it, Crossfit on the Plains. Improving every week, DU still ugly but putting groups of 2 and 3 together, pullup much better, held a handstand in warm up for 14 secs. Hope I can make a fri or sat workout with yall soon. Mac

  5. Whoops! Forgot that minor time frame detail. ;) This is a 10min AMRAP.

  6. mac!!!! we miss you! glad you're still crossfitting and so proud of you for your accomplishments! yay! continue to keep us posted!

  7. Cori I really like your 2 wod's. we need to do more back to back wod's like that. class will have to start by 5:45 and I'll need to get there early to stretch out

  8. i was the only one in class...that's why i did what i wanted. sorry to say it usually doesn't work that way :) however if you show up and you're the only person there, you could probably talk me into doing 2 back to back wods.

    a hint to do this: show up on wednesday mornings b/c it's usually everyone's off day and/or come on saturday mornings b/c people are usually too pooped by then.

  9. 15 min AMRAP 8 rounds + 5 HSPU + 10 KBS.... everybody wanna be a crossfitter, aint nobody wanna lift that 2 pood KB

  10. Also ... might I suggest a WOD... The APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) 2min AMRAP push up, 2min AMRAP sit up, run 2 miles. PU and SU are for reps of course and run is for time. Standards for the sit up are someone holds your feet and shoulder blades must touch ground, the rep is completed when the neck is over the hip. There is no resting except in the "up" position. As for the Push Up, there is no resting except in the mountain position. One must make a continual effort to push up or sit up or the AMRAP is over. I think it would be a fun Saturday WOD... miss yall

  11. 10 min AMRAP
    5r+4kbs Rx

  12. paul, you were able to do rx hspu's? awesome!!!!

  13. 6 rounds + 3 hspu. rx.
    had to represent and swing the 2 pood.

  14. 7 rounds RX
    HSPU was the stopper.

  15. Oh yeah, I had a mat under my head, so not 100% Rx!
