
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ed, Bill, Sandy, Amber, Sam

Three rounds for time of:
Row 1000 meters (or Run 800M. Atleast 1 round must be rowed)
95 lb Thruster, 21 reps

Post time to comments.


  1. Big Dawgs: Rx
    women = 65#

    Pack: Rx run/row, 65# thruster
    women = 45#

    3 RFT
    Row 500M (or run 400M. Atleast 1 round must be rowed.)
    21 thrusters, 45#
    women = 25#

  2. i'll go ahead and do this for drew

    stars: sub 15
    moon: sub 20

    these are my predications anyway.

  3. 19:37 rx, row=3:57.3

    Woohoo! Sub 4 row and I hit the moon!
    Rd1 7:30, thrusters 7-7-7
    Rd2 14, thrusters 11-10
    Rd3 19:37, thrusters unbroken

  4. Is this my punishment for missing Monday? ;^)

  5. Cori, Thanks for the great predictions. I stopped doing them because I did not think people understood that the "stars" predictions were for just that, stars. Most of the people that made it to the games would be under or on the star status.
    That is why I say shoot for the stars even if u settle for the moon. some WODS i cant even get off the ground but it helps me note my weakness. I love crossfit even if it exposes weakness.
    it is hard to say I love crossfit because it exposes weakness.

    if i crossfit i am not as weak as i was. :)

  6. Is that the same Drew Hill who said "this blog is only for posting times and records" using a smiley face emoticon???

  7. 20:40 rx (run,row,run)
    I am still coughing.

  8. 23:06 rx
    see spot. see spot row. run spot run.

    really good classes tonight! everyone really pushed! i could feel the energy bouncing off the walls! yay!

  9. 26:14 Rx (row, run, run)and still found time to have a conversation with Drew while WOD'ing.

  10. sub 15 RX row 3:40,run,run
