Saturday, April 2, 2011

Open Gym 9-10am

Come make up a WOD or work on some skills. If you would like to do (or re-do) the Games WOD for the week, today is your day!


amber said...

5 rds for time of
15 GHD situps
15 GHD back extensions
25lb Overhead walking lunge, 80ft


Cori said...

3 rds of
15 ground to overhead 55#
15 wallballs 14# ball, 8' mark
15 kb swings 35#
Not sure of the time.
Body is tired today.

Judy Ranelli said...

What are ground to overheads?

Amber said...

"Ground to overhead" can be clean and jerk, power snatch, etc. It is like we did in the 1st Games WOD. So basically, for each rep the weight must touch the ground at the bottom of the movement. Then be locked out overhead at the top of the movement.